We Are The Misfits

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You slowly walked out of the mist. You were bleeding from the head, and most of your armor was broken now, tossing away what was left of your helmet. "GET AWAY FROM THEM, YOU BASTARD!" The group smiled as you ran and cut the hulking beast, only for the wound to heal "you really think a bunch of Misfit's belief in you is enough to beat me?" You were smacked away, firing a barrage of rockets; he ignored them as the group ran as the guys found a camera. Webs hacked it into every tv screen in LA to watch the fight. You blocked the attack that was coming down on you "damn it, I won't let it end like this!"

Splaarghön laughed "you dont get it do you, Y/N? You can't win. You're too weak! That's why you're a misfit! Because the world deemed you unfit for them!" Rolling back, you gritted yoyr teeth. "YEAH! What's so bad about being a misfit? I didnt choose this laugh you took my parents!" Swinging the sword, you cut an arm off, only for it to return. "I learned from my mistakes, Y/N dont you see!" He grabs and lifts you up. "I'M EVERLASTING!" Slamming you into the ground, you coughed up blood, blocking another attack you were struggling "tell me, Y/N, how do you intend to beat me? You are a misfit nobody believes in you!"

It felt like it was impossible until "HANG IN THERE, Y/N!" Cameras looked to see who was yelling; it was Wolf; he and the others were at a safe distance now. Meanwhile, Tiffany was recording the whole thing "ladies and gentlemen, what you see is Y/N L/N, the governor fighting for his life against this metal monster. "ONCE I'M DONE WITH YOU, Y/N, I WILL DESTROY THIS WHOLE WORLD!" Splaarghön yelled while laughing "no, I can't let you do this; you call me weak, but I was the CRIMSON PAW!" It was confession time. "I stop things cause the world wronged me tool my parents, deemed I didnt belong, hated me for my looks and personality! But I found a new family, a family like me, outcasts, ones who the world deemed didnt belong. I FOUND MISFITS! " You fired another rocket barge.

"I found love. I was happy until it was ripped away from me! My whole life, you ruined it, but NO MORE! After waking up from my two-year coma, I stole things in LA because if the world didnt like me for me, then why bother in trying to change?" The people of LA watched and listened to a kid who was dealt a bad hand in life as he kept fighting. "But when I went for the Golden Dolphine, everything changed! I swore to my love years ago that we would go good together, but at that moment, I changed my life around!" Splaarghön punched you into a building as it crumbled around you, but Y/N got out.

"I found Diane again; she helped me, helped to redeem me, and made me a better person! I became the governor; I turned my life; I changed lives on the right side of the law now!" Your sword glowed with your own belief now. "I redeemed myself, but I never forgot my Misfits friends! So when they tried to steal the dolphin, and the chief wanted to arrest them, I couldn't let them go. I had to save them; if one misfit could be saved, then they all could!" LA heard your story; it was quiet until a whistle broke the silence. Marmalade cheered and clapped for you, "YES, Y/N!" Then it all fell apart as Splaarghön stabbed you through the chest.

"NOOO!" The misfits yelled in horror as the metal beast removed his blade; your sword fell down; a pair of voices called out to you, "Come on, son, GET UP!" "Dad?" Looking to the sky, you could see your parents in front of the pearly gates of heaven "you can win, sweetie; believe in yourself, and others will follow." Grabbing your sword, you used it to help yourself up. "SPLAARGHÖN!" You yelled, causing everyone to gasp and cheer for you getting up as he turned around. "You took my parents from me, but you won't take my family from me nor this world!" You lifted the sword as he jumped in front of you. "I believe in myself, and that gives me power!"

Your whole body started to glow the same color as your sword "humanity has declared that you won't win this day because when humanity unites together, we can do anything we forgive and forget; its what redeems us, makes us worthy; IT'S WHAT MAKES US HUMAN!" You glowed brighter as Splaarghön growled

"That light its Y/N!" Misty yelled through binoculars, "It is?" Wolf asked, "HANG IN THERE!" He and Snake yell as they start to glow the same colour as you "hey, what's going on?" Snake asked, confused. "You can do it, Y/N!" Shark, Webs, and Pirnaha then light up, too. Misty looked confused "what's in the wahh!" She, too, was glowing; it then dawned on Wolf, "GET HIM Y/N!" it clicked for everyone in LA; they were yelling for you, "WE GOT YOUR BACK!" "YOU'VE GOT THIS! "WE BELIEVE IN YOU!" "WE FORGIVE YOU!" "COME ON, CRIMSON PAW!" "BE THE HERO YOU ARE!" All those voices yelled for you, "THAT'S RIGHT. GIVE HIM HELL!" Misty yelled. Diane saw everyone glowing and looked in awe "a...amazing."

The energy gathered above your sword "what the hell is that?" The Demon asked, "huh?" Looking up, you saw power as it went into your sword, causing it to be a massive (f/c) sword. "Thank you, everyone, for believing in me. LET'S END THIS MONSTER!" You sliced at Splaarghön, who jumped back until you swung the sword down as he yelled, "NO, YOUR A NOBODY. WHY DO THEY TRUST YOU?" "BECAUSE I TOLD THEM THE TRUTH, THEY TRUST ME, AND YOU ONLY BELIEVE IN YOURSELF, AND THAT'S GOING TO BE YOUR DOWNFALL!" Hitting his chest, you just missed his core, aka the meteor, aka Splaarghön.

"But this doesn't make sense; how is it so strong? You, mortals, are nothing but insects to me!" "Even insects can overcome hard obstacles when they unite! LA HAS DECLARED IN ONE VOICE THAT YOU WON'T WIN, AND I AM THAT VOICE!" He pulls out the sword as you go from below; he uses his hands to stop it from hitting him. "YOU ARE TOO WEAK; YOU CAN'T WIN!" It was true that the chest wound was becoming too painful, and your second wind was almost out; this was the end, but then you felt a pair of hands wrap around yours. "HE'S NOT DONE YET!" "WOLF?!"

He had come in your time of need. Then another set of hands joins in. "Diane?!" "Once a misfit, always a misfit Y/N" some fins then joined."You mess with Y/N. You mess with me!" "Shark?!" Another set of fins joined in, "DONT SCREW WITH AMIGO!" "Pirnaha!" then a set of eight legs joined "bring it on, you stupid meteor" "Webs!" A body interlocked all of your hands. "YOU DONT MESS WITH MY BEST FRIEND!" "SNAKE!" They had all come to help the one who had united them in the first place. "WHO DO YOU LOT THINK YOU ARE?!" Splaarghön yelled.

"WE ARE THE MISFITS!" You all yelled

Pulling the sword up, it went through the meteor, cracking and breaking it and finally killing Splaarghön as the robot beast split in two "victory for the mis wahhhhh!" You yell as the robot blows up, sending the misfits flying; you and Wolf crashed into a wall "heh, we did it, Y/N. Y/N?" Wolf looked to see you slumping against the wall "heh, did we?" Wolf ran over to you "stay with me, Y/N" your breath was shallow "yeah, yeah, Im here, Wolf" "SOMEONE, WE NEED HELP!" You put a bloody hand on Wolf's cheek "come here, Wolfy~" he held you close as yoy rubbed his head. BEEP "you're a good boy Wolf" BEEP "so are you, Y/N. I love you." BEEP kissing him one last time, then BEEEEEP, you slump over dead.

Wolf heard your heart stop and held you crying into you. You woke up in your bedroom, but it seemed brighter; opening the door, you saw your parents; you ran to hug them tight "you won, son," Your dad said "did I Im dead? It doesn't feel like a victory" "I know, sweetie, but Splaarghön is dead; it's over now." "But Im not ready to die. I still want Wolf, my new family" "We know, kiddo; we will see you again one day, son, but for now, it's time for you to" "it's time for me to live."

As you were putting in an ambulance the other misfits had to hold Wolf, who was balling his eyes so were the others, but Y/N was special to Wolf as the doors were about to shut. He listened one last time.



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