Good Guy Training

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The group walked into the compound, looking around, seeing the statue of Marmalade holding the Love create meteor "guys go an ego," Snake said "amen to that," you replied as you put yourself on top of the statue. "Governor Y/N, get down before you fall down; as for you lot, they say experience is the best teacher; they are wrong cause we are," he pointed to himself and you, "and" "a giant butt!" "What?" "I wonder whose butt it is?" You were trying to hold in your laughter, but looking at it upside gave you a better idea "nahhh, Piranha, it looks like tits from this angel." This caused the group to burst out laughing.

"As if you would know what tits look like, Y/N," Shark replied; you did mock hurt "ahhh right in the heart, so mean Shark" "ENOUGH!" Marmalade yelled, causing you to fall off the meteor. "I'm okay!" You yelled, walking into the 'state of the art good guy labs' Marmalade said what they were looking for. "You are all looking for a tingle" "like any old tingle?" "No, the tingle of goodness. I'm sure you felt it, Y/N" you stared with a blank face thinking if you should say what you wanted to "sureeee" "you were going to make a sexual joke, weren't you," Wolf said, looking at his boyfriend "nooooo?" "Snake, I'm going to give you a push pop" "yes, all for me" "afraid not, Snake; he wants you to share with your best friend."

Snake looked at the table to see Shark with a big grin on his face. After seeing that, he turned back to you. "Y/N," he gave a dead serious look "yeah?" "I love you, but fuck you." The others laughed at this before leaning against the wall with Wolf "20 bucks, says Shark eats him" "deal" Snake tried his hardest to give it to Sharl but ate it himself "ha sucker" "I will teach you to SHARE!" Shark then ate Snake. You were dying of laughter as Marmalade looked traumatized "totally worth it!" You sighed, putting on long gloves and walking over to Shark. "Open wide" "but" "Shark" "fine."

As Shark opened his mouth, you stuck your hand down his throat until you felt something pulling; it was an oxygen canister "nope," next came a license plate. "Shark, we talked about this," "Sowwy," going in again, you felt Snake and pulled him out "thanks, Y/N" Snake went to hug you before he could; a towel was tossed at him "clean yourself up first." The Guinea Pig raised an eyebrow towards Y/N "oh, sorry, this sort of thing used to happen a lot, and Shark trusted me enough to help fish things out, mostly Snake." "I see. While the next test is getting ready, Y/N, let's talk." walking outside, he asked a question, "not to be rude, but what made you want to help them?"

"Honestly, growing up, I never had friends. I was an outcast, so where they, so we became friends we called ourselves the Misfits. I always felt I was beyond saving until, one day, everything changed. I turned my life around, so I felt if I could pull myself of that black abyss of self-loathing, then I would dive back in one last time to save my friends as well." Marmalade smiled "that's very Nobel Y/N" you shrugged "the way I see it they walk this road and even if they don't like it or it doesn't work out they at least we can say we tried our best." Unknown to the two, the whole group heard this Wolf sighed; he knew this whole thing was a con, but to lie to his boyfriend and break his heart could he do that?

The next test was more simple. "Piranha, I want you to help this old lady cross the road," said old lady was Wolf causing everyone to laugh and have you an idea "we should do roleplay in the bedroom sometime~" Wolf tried to hide his blush as Webs sat on your shoulder "bet you he messes it up somehow" "50 said Wolf gets nailed by a truck" "DO YOU LOVE ME OR WHAT?!" He yelled, "I do. I just don't trust Prinaha helping you cross the street" "what was that, Y/N? You don't think I can't?" "nonononoPiranha!" Wolf was sent flying by a truck running; you managed to catch him "thanks," you kissed him.

"Simpler than this Marmalade." "HEY, look a cat in a tree; this will be easy" "you can't get much easier than this, so what would get you that tingling feeling?" "Eating it? This is why I always carry two pieces of bread," Snake said "no, I want you to ssss" "Smack it?" "Skin it?" "Stab it?" "Sautè it?" "Sing to it?" You were typing away on your phone, not giving a single fuck "save it," "GOVERNOR!" "What it was, either I say that or I say fuck it look, just save it, guys." Putting your fingers in your ears, the guinea pig was confused until they spoke, "HERE, KITTY, KITTY, KITTY!" "Welp, I saw that one coming!" You rolled your eyes as Piranha looked at the guys "what are you all doing? You will give it a heart attack!" He then jumped up. "WHATS UP, BABA!"

Causing the cat to jump down onto Wolf's face until it ran back. Marmalade had finally given up "okay, what are you good at?" Your phone went off as you walked off to take the call "hey Diane, what's up?" "Y/N, how's it going?" "It's uhhh going alright" "are they making any progress?" "I mean, I've made 70 bucks and flirted with Wolf" "Y/N!" "Oww, I think I just went deaf" "sorry, how are they getting along?" "It's an uphill battle Diane, but we both know they are worth it" you could hear her give a happy sigh. "I know they are; just don't overwork yourself, okay?" "no promises." Ending the call, the guys walked back in. "Y/N, come, it's time to go" "Where too?" "They have told me what they are good at, and so I decided on something. I want you there to assist them."

You were now standing outside a lab where Guinea Pigs were being tested; the rest of the Misfits were in cute outfits causing you to laugh again "god, I missed this; being with you lot makes everything so much more fun," pulling out your phone with a quick snap of a pic you headed to the labs "I'll meet you at the door you need to crack" "wait how are you going to get in?" Webs asked, confused. "Simple, I'm the governor. I can just walts right in. Show me how the last ten years have made you better, heisters." Fifteen minutes had passed as you leaned against the door; they finally showed up, seeing two knocked-out guards. "Y/N, did you?" "Like I said, I'm not 100% clean; someone is going to need to open the door; there is a vent here and..."

Snake zoomed in. "I've never seen him so chipper. Has he been meditating?" Shark asked, "oh crap, baskets," You said, "what?" They asked. "Snake plus guinea pigs means," it flew over their heads "just wait" "come on, Snake, open up!" "Relax, these doors are complicated" as he opened the door, his gut was massive and filled with guinea pigs "heh," "called it!" "What are you doing? We are supposed to save them, not eat them?" "We'll I say they've gone to a better place, heh" "that's it spit them out!" As Wolf started to spin Snake around, you wisely moved out of the way and out of view "ffs." Alarms blared, "it's not what it looks like."

"Trespassing! Burglary! Mayhem! Assault with a deadly reptile! As if those poor rodents haven't been through enough already!" Diane was fuming mad at the group "that's it, I'm calling the chief" "no" You were sitting on the stairs above the guys. Diane turned her head to you. "Y/N, you need to stop doi." You cut her off "doing what? Defending the only friends we've ever had? They had a moment of weakness. Can you really blame them for that?" Diane took a deep breath before looking at you. "I," you stood up before closing the doors as you and Diane spoke, "Y/N, unless you've got something concrete to make, not call the chief it's over."

A deep sigh came from you before you spoke again, "my job" Diane had to do a double take. "I'm sorry, what?" "My job if they can't prove they haven't changed at the gala, I will stand down as Governor. That's how much faith I have in them." "Y/N i," you then leaned against her ear. "Remember we were the Crimson Paw, and we turned around they can do this, as our saying goes." "We don't give up on a Misift. Yeah, your right; okay, fine." The doors fell open as the group looked with smiles. "Y/N has convinced me to give you all a second chance; the Gala it's make or break for you all, and Y/N is gambling something important on this, so even if you are faking it, just remember, it's not just your heads, on the chopping block but also Y/N."

Walking past, the group looked shocked at how much faith you had in them as you grabbed Wolf and headed for your with him "if anyone tries to interrupt for the next three hours, I will arrest you on the spot; I will make it a crime to disturb us." Marmalade looked confused, "but you can't just make up laws like that. They need to be approved, and" you were getting annoyed and snapped at him.

And like that you and Wolf closed the door to enjoy some private time

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