I Failed You

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Wolf bolted to the flaming wreckage of your house rain started to hammer down one by one. The other Misfits soon joined him; no one said a word; all that was heard was the panting breaths of the group, fire engines roared by tears we already falling down Wolf's face. He prayed that the love of his life was okay, finally making it to the house or what was left; he wanted to run in to save you, but the guys held him back. "Wolf, you can't!" Snake yelled, "I need to save him!" "MOVE ASIDE!" Two firefighters came carrying you. Your clothes were burnt, and basically, your whole body was carded black.

"No pulse; administer CPR." Your friends watched in horror as they administered CPR; when an ambulance arrived, you were put inside and driven off. Meanwhile, Wolf had fallen to his knees and broke down. Two days had passed since the incident; the gang sat in a hospital waiting room, everyone else staying away "group for Y/N L/N?" A doctor asked, raising their hands; they followed him; most of your body was covered in bandages as the doctor cleared his throat.

"He was lucky making it to the front door; it was mostly the blast that affected him; no burn damage, but cracked ribs, broke fingers, broken arm among more injuries" the group had tears running down their faces, "but the worse is that he's in a coma it's not likely he will come out of it as his head was cracked causing damage to his brain." Wolf couldn't hold it in anymore, falling to your bedside "Y/N! It's me; please wake up say something." "I'm sorry to say this, but I feel it's best to move on." "How can you say that? He's our best friend!" Shark yelled, "I understand that, but I will call if anything changes."

A week had passed now, and police were investigating as the group talked to the officers. "Y/N would never leave the gas running; he's not stupid." Webs spoke, "and yet the kid went into a gas-filled house and nearly died for it." The cop replies, not caring much, "GUYS, I found something!" Piranha yelled, walking over. There was the shell from a sniper rifle bullet that was aimed toward the house "somebody must've fired at the house trying to kill Y/N!" The fish started, "Nah, people go hunting in this woods back there all the time. They aren't connected." Diane's eye twitched hearing this.

"Are you fucking serious? They are very much connected!" "HEY, keep up this attitude, and we will throw you in prison and pin the blame on you bad guys!" Something happened to the group in that moment, like their dream of a happy life went. Wolf wore a scowl, "fine; we'll go." Making their way to your cafe using a key, they went in. Wolf slammed his fists on the counter "this world hates us; it took the one person who could have given hope. I say we do what Y/N would've wanted us to, and that is rob LA for everything it's got!"

Snake, who would normally have a smile, had been replaced with a scowl; his voice was more gruff now. "Y/N was the best of us without him. Wolf's right." Wolf held out his paw. "Go Bad," each other person their hand in, "or go home!" Going into the hideout, they cleaned it out as Wolf finally changed into the white suit you got him to; him it was bittersweet; he looked at the photo of you all at Snake's 21st only a week ago; how could so much go so wrong in just a week? Finally, he placed the ring that you had got him years ago next to the photo. "I'm sorry, Y/N. I'm sorry I failed to protect you, and I'm sorry we couldn't do this adventure with you anymore."

He felt a hand on his shoulder; it was Diane nodding; they left, switching off the lights for the last time and locking the door they left. A month later, Diane's family moved to LA; going with them, she made one final trip to see you in the hospital, kissing your forehead with tears in her eyes and saying goodbye. As the months went on, the group came by less and less, but Wolf always tried to see you, but after a year and a half, the group had been caught mid-heist, so they had to flee the once quiet town and head to LA to lay low for a while it hurt leaving you behind it but they didn't have a choice.

Two years since Y/N's coma

A loud gasp was heard as the human jerked up, looking around; he was in a hospital bed trying to get out of bed; his legs felt like jelly, and he slipped; a nurse came in and helped him back into bed "how long was I out?" "Two years, sir" "but who kept me alive this whole time?" "That would be me" looking down at the end of the bed was a guinea pig. "I am Rupert Mamarlde the 4th; it's nice to finally hear you talk, Y/N" "you know me?" "Well, not personally, but my family is in debated with your family for what your parents did alongside my father."

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