Until The End

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Chaos that's all that could be said about what was going down in LA people ran for their lives as the metal army descended on them while The Misfits and Marmalade drove to her house; you were shooting or slicing any robots that got close to the car "how are we going to recover from this?" Shark asked; you flew next to the window and spoke, "we will rebuild if we can survive that bastard crashing down; we can get through this to we mortals can do anything when you united" you sliced another robot down, making it to Diane house everyone as Y/N slammed the sword down released a shockwave sending every robot flying pulling the sword out you went inside.

"How is everyone holding up?" You asked "we are alive, thanks to you," Snake said with a warm smile; he was happy to be on the same side as you. "How do we take that thing down?" Wolf asked, holding your hand while you were still in your suit. "Webs?" You asked as she pulled out her laptop and projected an image of the ship.

"This thing is tough, but there is a way in" "oh?" Diane asked "here" you pointed to a ray that was slap-bang in the middle of LA "while the robots come out the side, its a one-way system, so the only way up is that ray, but we will need jetpack,"...

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"This thing is tough, but there is a way in" "oh?" Diane asked "here" you pointed to a ray that was slap-bang in the middle of LA "while the robots come out the side, its a one-way system, so the only way up is that ray, but we will need jetpack," Y/N and Diane looked at each other with a nod heading to the microwave a voice spoke 'identify verified welcome back Y/N and Diane' the fridge moved "so who's first?" Diane asked; it only held two. You and Wolf waited until last so you two could chat; leaning against the counter, he spoke first, "Y/I'm sorry about the Gala. I didn't want to hurt you like that" removing your helmet revealed a small smile.

"Not the worst thing you've done. I still remember when you and Snake had a prank war, and I drank that drink which you made for Snake" "the one filled with" "crushed laxatives? Yes, that one. Christ, my arse hurt after that" you both laugh remembering the good times when you were younger "you ever think we would be here?" Wolf asked, "what fighting a demon trapped inside a heart shape meteor that was responsible for killing my parents and blowing up my house while I was still inside? No, I didnt." Wolf laughed at your blunt tone; this was all very strange "he,y I'm glad we are doing this together Y/N" "same Wolfy" with a quick kiss the lift came back for you both.

Grabbing Your helmet, you both got in; it was a tight squeeze due to the suit not that Wolf minded. Heading down, she was shocked at Y/N and Diane's base as everyone had suited up, and Diane was holding a jetpack. Meanwhile, you walked over to a cabinet and input a code as it opened to reveal a special bomb.

"What is that?" Piranha asked "a high-yield explosive emp bomb; we throw it in the ship and run like hell; when the bomb goes off, it will disable all the robots cutting the connection between that bastard demon and his army; let's hope it kills h...

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"What is that?" Piranha asked "a high-yield explosive emp bomb; we throw it in the ship and run like hell; when the bomb goes off, it will disable all the robots cutting the connection between that bastard demon and his army; let's hope it kills him too." You said, "who's taking it?" Marmalade asked, "I will" you all turned to Diane. "I know what Im doing, and he will be expecting you, Y/N"  with a nod, Snake spoke up. "If Diane got the bomb, what do we do?" "Cover her in helicopters. We are their fire so Diane can get in." "Let's go to my place then" Shark looked to Marmalade, confused "why yours?" "My father had a secret bunker. He kept some helicopters under there just in case he came back."

"Then we are going to need a ride," you smile; a wall moved to reveal Wolf's car "you stop my car?! I would be mad, but I love you too much and respect" You chuckled "come on, we ain't got time to waste." Speeding to Marmalade's place, Cuddles was out front with a shotgun blasting every robot that got close until Y/N blew the rest up; with a nod, they went inside as Marmalade opened the door to the bunker. Heading inside, you all saw the helicopters.

"I holy moly, they are Apaches!" You yelled, clearly fanboying, heading in there; you all got in a group huddle, "this is everyone; this is the fight of our life; we do this, and we walk away; heroes, now let's do this, Misfits!" As Diane went bac...

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"I holy moly, they are Apaches!" You yelled, clearly fanboying, heading in there; you all got in a group huddle, "this is everyone; this is the fight of our life; we do this, and we walk away; heroes, now let's do this, Misfits!" As Diane went back up for a car, the rest went for Helicopters you would drive while Wolf operated the gun. "Hey, Y/N, if we dont make it out of this, I just want you to know" "dont say it, Wolf, and we will, Wolf, dont worry." Diane had driven as far as she could; it was still a little while to run; holding the bomb, she started to run and arm it with a 5-minute timer.

Bullets flew all around as the police and army tried to regain control of LA; they were told to make sure Diane made it to the ship; pulling out a pistol, she shot a few robots on the way as the other came in on their helicopters.

Diane could hear her own breath as she held the bomb under her arm, running, "Y/N ON YOUR SIX" "I GOT EM!" Spinning the helicopter around, Wolf lit up the one that was chasing you. "Shark, you got incoming!" "We can't shake them!" "Hang on; we are coming in to assist!" Diane heard it all through her earpiece; looking up, she saw the fighting, then Y/N and Wolf's helicopter tail was gone. "MAYDAY! MAYDAY! MAYDAY! WE ARE LOSING ALTITUDE! I REPEAT, WE ARE GOING DOWN!" Diane watched the helicopter go crashing down, then nothing. "Y/N, come in, Wolf, come in" "Im okay I dont know where Y/N is though he was thrown as we crashed!"

BOOM! Diane was suddenly sent flying; a metal robot had fired a blast at her feet, sending her crashing to the ground; she couldn't move to her side; she heard the beeping of the bomb that's when a foot came into view weakly looking up, she saw an (E/C) looking at her it was Y/N his suit was burnt. His helmet cracked, exposing one of his eyes; he didn't say a thing; he grabbed the bomb, which read 2 minutes now. Diane knew it wasn't enough time to get in and out; using your thrusters, you flew up to the ship; you could hear your friends yelling your name as you went into the ship and found him.

Tossing the bomb at his feet, he saw you and only laughed as you ran, but the bomb went off. All of LA shook as they watched the ship blow up, and one by one, the robot fell over dead people cheered as the group helped Diane up, but Y/N was nowhere to be found on the ground, then moved as Splaarghön laughed. All the tech moved to him as a body grew around his heart. It got to around 20 feet tall with his heart in the middle.

"I'VE HAD ENOUGH OF YOU WORMS, TIME TO DIE!" As he went for them, a bullet got his attention turning around

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"I'VE HAD ENOUGH OF YOU WORMS, TIME TO DIE!" As he went for them, a bullet got his attention turning around. Everyone saw something in the smoke.

A sword was glowing the same color as your eyes it was Y/N, but all they could see was the glowing sword. It was time to end this once and for all.

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