Hospital Trip

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Wolf and Snake helped you limp towards the nurse's office; kicking the door did nothing as Wolf held his foot in pain. "Not my best move, I'll be honest." You stiffened a laugh while Snake laughed; pulling the door open, they helped you sit down on a chair.

"Hey, thanks, you two, I really appreciate it" giving a warm smile, Wolf held out his fist as Snake held out his head; you gave a three-way fist/ head bump to the pair as you waited to be treated a long story short your leg was broken "we'll shit I guess I gotta go to the hospital."

"I will just call your parents." As the nurse called, your phone vibrated, and she looked at you with worry. "I'm an orphan nobody ever wanted me, so I just taught myself to look after myself, so yeah, I'm my own legal guardian" the Nurse looked saddened towards you. "I will call for an ambulance."

You sighed. "I guess I have to wait by the front desk?" "No, stay here although your leg is broken; we don't want to cause any more damage to it," so you sat idly by until you heard the bell for lunch; with a defeated sigh, you knew you were going to miss lunch, but the door was swung open by two paramedics lifted you onto a stretcher and wheeled you towards the doors.

"(Y/N)?!" Looking, Wolf stared at you, worried he was with Snake, Piranha, Tarantula, and a shark; with a low laugh, you spoke, "I bloody broke it, Wolf HA!" With that, you were sped off towards the hospital after 2-hour long surgery; you were now lying in a bed, bored; you flicked through the channels on the TV.

"So what happened to you then?" Looking to your left, there was an orange fox with a piecing going through one of her eyes brows "fell out of a tree trying to grab a friend, so he didn't fall and hurt himself" "so you gave yourself a broken leg to save a friend?" "Not my greatest plan, I must admit" she laughed at this and held out her hand.

"Diane Foxington, and you are?" She gave off a warm smile "name is (Y/N); nice to meet you, Diane, so Im guessing you go to the same school as me?" "Oh yeah, I wasn't in today. I had to see my dad at the hospital" "sorry to hear that, Diane" She flapped her hands in front of her "don't be. He just had an accident a few days back, nothing serious."

You and Diane chatted for the next hour or so; after she left, you started to doze off until you heard yelling outside, "!" Was all you heard as you called out, "it's a pull door!"

The door was dramatically swung open, revealing Wolf and your other friends. "We came as soon as school was finished!" Wolf said dramatically; you laughed, and he gave a warm smile, happy that you were laughing; you then saw that same Shark again. "Hey there," the response was wave from you "names Shark. I know you are (Y/N); nice to meet ya."

The group walked in as Tarantula sat on top of your bed "how you doing, Webs?" "Webs?" She asked, confused "sorry, I just thought of a nickname for you" she smiled at you, "I like it, thanks (Y/N)," flicking through more channels until it came to DBZ; it was the Cell games abd more to the point episode 60 "Oh amigo I've been waiting for this we need to watch!" Piranha yelled.

Shark had taken the seat you saw Wolf without somewhere to sit, moving yourself as best you could and patting the place next to you with a small blush. Wolf sat next to you, trying to hide his blush. You all watched and lost it when Gohan snapped; you and Wolf held each other, yelling.

It wasn't until after the credits had finished that You and Wolf let each other go, both sporting a blush and a nervous laugh not long after; they all slowly departed, with Wolf being last to leave you; with another sigh, you were left alone, so you tapped away on your phone.

Over the next two days, your friends kept coming to see you finally, after a week, your leg had healed a lot quicker than expected; when you got out, it was a Saturday; grabbing your stuff, it was time for the arcades after an hour you made it there the place was packed, but your favorite one was free 'Guitar hero' flicking through the songs you found the one that no one could beat on master that being Metallica 'Master of puppets.

You had been training to beat it, finally getting ready; a voice caught your attention "Y/N! Hey," it was Diane; she walked over with a smile. "Glad to see you are out of the hospital; got out quicker than I expected" "Yeah, I don't know what it was, but hey, glad to be out of that hospital food wasn't the best."

Diane looked over onto the screen abd saw you flicking through songs; most master scores were yours. "Well, someone been busy," you tried to hide your blush "yeah, I don't have to get home till late, so I mostly player here alo..." "Y/N!" You and Diane looked at the entrance to see Wolf and his group; said Wolf ran over and hugged you tight.

"Im so glad you are finally out; we missed you" you tried your best to hug back with a guitar around you, letting go, you gave your other greeting Snake a fist/head bump, Webs a one-finger high five, Piranha a down low & Shark a shoulder bump Diane gave off a little laugh at this as you got ready to play 'Master of Puppets.'

"Master of Puppets? On master difficulty, you must be mad," Piranha said. "I've been training for this, and Im going to nail this" your friends surrounded you as you started to play, singing along Wolf, and the other soon began to sing along; you were nailing the song perfectly.

But soon, it got to the hard part as the song slowed down and there started to build up again, but your friends helped you. "Where's the dreams I've been after?" You yell, "Master, Master," they shouted back, "you promised only lies" "Laughter, Laughter." "All I see, hear or see is laughter!' "Laughter, Laughter!" "Laughing at my cries!" Everyone got together "FIX ME!" You all yelled.

As you went for the guitar solo, your friends chanted your name as you nailed the guitar solo and, finally, the end of the song. Your score was perfect, but you were out of breath and tired, stiffing a laugh as you stood up; a bottle of water was put in front of your face. Wolf smiled, thanking him you downed it in one.

Grabbing over 5,000 tickets, you looked at the others with a worn-out smile "so what game next?"

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