Gala For Goodness

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Wolf was sitting outside looking at the moon, his head was resting on your shoulder "it looks nice tonight, huh?" "Yeah, it does," "meow," you both looked up to see the cat still stuck in the tree "if you really want to go, good, prove it to me right here, right now." Wolf kissed you as he got up and walked over to the cat as Y/N smiled, watching Wolf work his magic and finally getting the cat down "see, I knew I saw that good inside you." "You saved it, Wolf?" Webs asked as the others came out "yes, it's working," Marmalade said, coming out of a bush with his phone "wait, you filmed that?" Wolf asked, confused.

"They are starting to like you," showing the group they saw the hearts and comments coming in; you walked over, "I think this will win over everyone at the Gala," the group cheered, and they stepped in. Marmalade stopped Wolf "you've shown great progress, Wolf; now I think it's high time we try on the others" "the professor is right, Wolf; we nailed you; time to nail the others as well." Snake overhead this as he went back inside that night. Wolf lay on the bed as Snake snuck in "hey Wolf, the plan is still the same, right? We are going steal the dolphin?" Wolf laughed "of course, and I would tell you if anything changes, I promise" "I...okay, I trust you, Wolf."

The next day you were getting ready for the Gala, and your musical number, you were to leave earlier to get everything set up for your number. Y/N looked in the mirror with a smile.

Heading out, it was only 6 pm, and the Gala wouldn't start until 8 pm, but as you got ready to leave, you walked past the guys "I would say I want you on your best behavior, but I know you guys will be so just be yourself

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Heading out, it was only 6 pm, and the Gala wouldn't start until 8 pm, but as you got ready to leave, you walked past the guys "I would say I want you on your best behavior, but I know you guys will be so just be yourself." Giving one last kiss to Wolf, you headed for the limo outside and headed for the Gala. At 8 pm, the group was heading for the Gala "so here's the plan the dolphin is held in a glass case with a random five-digit code hidden inside a briefcase chained to the chief." "She's not messing around" "no, she ain't, so while Snake gets the code, Webs will hack into the network; meanwhile, the rest of us put circuit jammers, and Shark grabs the fake Dolphin."

"Once the night wraps up, and I say Marmalade, the light goes out, giving us five seconds to make the switch; the Governors give us our pardons, and we leave stage right then; by the time they realize what's happened, we will be gone." Snake then spoke up "that's all well and good but what about Y/N I mean he giving up his job for us he's going to be hurt." Wolf laughed "no Snake he will be impressed of what we did and then we will come around a few days later to pick him." "What about Diane? Doesn't she deserve to be there as well? We never leave a Misfit behind," Shark said, "we will cross that bridge when it comes to it."

Pulling up at the party, the crowd cheered, seeing the new Bad Guys as they went around mingling. Wolf saw you with some sort of device, a trigger; after the song was done, you jumped up on stage, but at that exact moment, Snake was grabbed by Misty, mistaking him for her drink; that's when the lights when out causing panic until a loud yell broke the silence and all eyes were on you.

As you started to sing, people started to dance as a few backup dancers joined in. "YOU'VE BEEN HIT BY; YOU'VE BEEN STRUCK BY A SMOOTH CRIMINAL!" The irony was not lost on the guys as they were working and getting done; you pulled Wolf on stage as the others joined you, all dancing perfectly in sync with the song, even doing the famous lean Y/N saw Diane in the crowd who gave him a big smile and two thumbs up. As you spun, Wolf looked into your eyes and saw the biggest smile he had ever seen; turning thrnthr the crowd, he saw how much they enjoyed you all dancing; it dawned on Wolf if this was the right thing to do.

"I'll go good if you want to, Wolf" those words cut his heart hard out of everyone Y/N was the only one to have faith in them to believe they could be better; sure, Diane did, but she had an image to uphold in public meanwhile Y/N had never cared about his image in public before Wolf knew it the song was overhearing the cheers you took a bow and headed for the bar and a much-needed drink Diane watched you from a distance as Wolf stood next to you "now that was fun" "I've really missed this dancing like no one else is around." That's when you saw it an earpiece.

Pulling it out, you heard Webs over it "we are ready to steal the dolphin, Wolf," your heart sank; backing away from Wolf, he looked at you worried. "Y/N, please, we need to do this for our le" SLAP! You smacked him across the face as your eyes welled up. "I trust you, all of you, to do better, and this is how I'm repaid?" "Y/N I" "NO, YOU LISTEN HERE, WOLF!" He was scared; he had never seen you mad before. "I STUCK MY NECK OUT FOR YOU ALL. I BELIEVED YOU COULD CHANGE; I GAMBLED MY JOB ON YOU ALL!" The music was loud enough for only Wolf and the others to hear through the earpiece. "Diane was right. I never should've given you another chance; it was stupid to believe I could help you."

Wolf put a hand on your shoulder only for you to swat it away; pull out the photo you had taken on Snake's 21 birthday; you ripped it in half before shoving it into Wolf's chest. "Y/N, please" looking Wolf dead in the eyes, what you said next made the whole group hurt "you really are just a bad guy" with that, you walked out of the Gala Diane tried to follow, but it was too late; you were gone heading for the limo a metal hand covered your mouth before shoving you inside and driving off. Wolf looked at the ripped photo heading onto the stage. Marmalade did his speech as the lights went out, and the meteorite was gone.

As the gang was confused, their log came up, "RUN!" Running for the exit, Wolf grabbed a map and gave it to Diane "what are you doing?" "I'm giving it all back and tell Y/N I'm sorry!" Running off to the exit, Piranha balls up the escape causing them to be thrown into the police truck as the professor pushed past "let me speak to them, please!" "no deals this time!" "Professor, you gotta help us tell them we didn't do it" "you didn't? Then who did?" "I can answer that question; pig" everyone looked confused "your phone, pig!" The voice spoke; pulling out his phone revealed the Love Meteorite it was speaking "hehehehe pretty clever right in plain sight the whole time, and yet nobody knew I was real."

Everyone was confused, to say the least, "wait, how are you alive?" "I'm an ancient demon. I was trapped in here by Marmalade's father and Y/N's parents, so I swore to destroy Y/N's life that house explosion. It was me, well not me physically, but I have some very loyal subjects." Wolf then had a flashback to the museum and Y/N taking a bullet "so that sniper at the museum was?" "Me again, and my metal army; funny really, all of his pain leads back to me, and now I've got him, and I got an army to destroy this planet, and when I'm done, I will kill you in front of Y/N then kill him!."

Lights came on behind the love crate to reveal a metal robot army

The group now looked worried; there were so many of them as they heard the rock laughing, "I will enjoy watching this planet die," Marmalade then got annoyed "we will stop you" "oh really, they are from prison?" Marmalade then looked at the group

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The group now looked worried; there were so many of them as they heard the rock laughing, "I will enjoy watching this planet die," Marmalade then got annoyed "we will stop you" "oh really, they are from prison?" Marmalade then looked at the group. "I promise I will get you out somehow!"

(Yep, a twist Marmalade is a good guy in this one)

"So, what's your name anyway?" Snake asked, "in one moment, I think you should know I've taken Y/N, and don't worry; I'll take good care of him, Wolf." Wolf was getting angry as the rock spoke one last time.

As for my name, call me "Splaarghön."

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