Trailer For The Sequel

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We zoom in on LA as Y/N drives around corners with Wolf shooting a gun at their pursuers. The scene then changes to the defeat of Splaarghön, with his core cracking and breaking

???: Did you really think your problems would end with Splaarghön? No, Y/N, they have just started

We flash to a scene where Wolf is running through a manor with a white wolf with red eyes chasing him on all fours. It changes to Y/N, Wolf, and Marmalade looking at a screen of missing animals which reveals that Diane, Webs, Snake, Shark, and Piranha are among the missing animals as Y/N rubs his eyes, and Wolf punches a wall.

???: If you really thought it ended with MY SON, then you have no idea what is coming. I will finish what he can't!

We see Y/N block an attack from a demon as a second one comes to attack, only for a figure wearing black comes to kill him

Y/N: Took your time!

???: Sorry was a little preoccupied with your husband!

We see Y/N and Wolf fall through a portal and land in Hell as they look around in shock

Marmalade: If you believe in old fairy tales, it was believed that the rightful king of Hell had six children Splaarghön was one of them.

Wolf: What about the other five?

Marmalade: I fear they have taken our friends

The scene changes to show five demons controlling the five other misfits, with their eyes glowing red as they laugh. Y/N is then seen pulling out a duel scythe before connecting them into one big long one with a blade on each end.

Y/N: If we are going into Hell to save our friends, we are going to need help, and I know just the guy

Marmalade/ Wolf: Who?

An ominous whistle could be heard as Y/N grinned. The scene changed to Wolf dodging an attack from a demon decked out in a new armor as Winter is seen looking at his old armor in a glass case before slamming his fist against it. We then see Y/N bleeding out on the floor

Y/N: No, I won't lose, not now, not after all I've put my body through! Ahhhhhh


Y/N: Me? Your worst nightmare!

???:....that was shit and cliché

Y/N: I know I'm a Misfit, then.

We see Wolf and a white wolf carrying a bleeding Y/N to a smartly dressed man who sips some wine before looking back at the trio. He smiles. The scene changes to Y/N charging an energy attack of some kind in his hands.

???: Come on, focus your energy; Y/N or your family will be gone.

Y/N: I, no, I can't let them down!

An explosion of bright light comes from the human

???: You've done it

Y/N: Thank you for the help, Lucifer

We change to Y/N and Wolf kissing, followed by them taking off each other shirts and falling onto a bed. Then Y/N dodges attacks from a possessed Diane, who wraps her legs around Y/N's throat choking him out.

Wolf: I dont know if we can do this Y/N

Y/N: We have to, Wolf; we can't leave our friends behind, our family

Y/N and Wolf are then seen in a Hell nightclub, both glowing a heavenly glow while dancing and killing demons in unions. We then see Wolf being slumped over in Y/N's arms, blood coming out at an alarming rate.

???: Once I'm done with you, your husband, and Lucifer, I will invade Earth with my demon army!

We see the misfits watch as Y/N fights an elder demon broken sword in one hand and a scythe in the other as he grins


Y/N, Wolf, and the other Misfits will return with new faces in.

The Demon Invasion (Mr. Wolf x Male Reader) release date: July 2023.

(Follow me to see when I post it.)

Wolf: So Y/N, who the hell is that guy? You said he would help us in Hell

Y/N: You see, he owes me a favor, and well, he is...

Y/N: You see, he owes me a favor, and well, he is

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Death: I'm Death straight up!

A/N: this might be a thing I do for sequels, so if you liked it, let me know, and I will do more trailers for my books that are getting sequels

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