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It had been a while since you and Diane had gone good; your scar had faded; it was still there, but not nearly as much you had even dyed your hair to your F/C along with dressing better in a suit and tie, to say the old Y/N was gone would be a lie as there was still a little bit of bad streak to you. Still, hey, nobody is perfect right now; you were wearing a grey suit with a yellow tie having a stride in your step as today was a big day; you and Diane were to give your first speech as Governors walking past a diner as a people ran past you screaming knocking you over.

"Are you okay?" Looking up, a grey paw was held out for you. It couldn't be, could it? It had to be taking the paw Y/N was face to face with the man of his dreams, the one that had gotten away. It.  Was. Wolf "hey, thanks; some people have no respect." "Probably 'cause they saw me. I'm surprised you haven't run away yet." "I don't know why I should. I see nothing wrong with you," Wolf smiled "that attitude reminds me of some who was very close to my heart." You wanted to say something; you wanted to hug and kiss him, but now was not the right time. Diane would kill you if you were late.

"Welp, I won't keep you waiting any longer. Have a good day, sir." Walking past, you stole his wallet as he went into the dinner to meet Snake; jogging over to his car Y/N pulled out the wallet and took some money before leaving a note, 'thanks for the money.' "You ready?" "Yep, you?" "Always" walking outside, the duo of Y/N and Diane were met with flashing lights "okay folks, we hear you, and we know how diabolical the bad guys" as Diane took the stage, you laughed as she smirked, letting you take over "but please people these 'bad guys' are just second rate hazbins they may think they are great at what they do, but all the really have is a deep well of anger." "Denial," "self-loathing," "regret"

"I think what I and Y/N are trying to convey is that these guys are on their way out but on to brighter news, Y/N?" "Yes, of course; tomorrow night, myself and Diane will be presenting the good samaritan award to this year's goodest citizen; we hope to see you there!" "That's him, that the guy who stole my wallet and left it in the car!"  Wolf yelled, "him really the new governor? Yeah, right, Wolf," Snake replied. "I still can't believe I voted for them," Webs said, annoyed "what?" Piranha asked, shocked. "What they are good on climate change." "What with that look, Wolf."

He pulled out a list of heists that you wanted to do one was left "how about another heist, the last one on the list that Y/N wanted, the Golden Dolphin." "That heist broke everyone through Wolf Hell; even the Crimson Paw called it quits after they went for it." "I believe the rumor it was just one person. I mean, we know how bad the cops are," Webs replied, "whatever Wolf I, we all miss Y/N, but even he said it would take months of planning to do." Wolf sighed, pulling out a photo of you and him kissing. "I know that, and I know we haven't seen him in years. I went to the hospital to see him; he was gone, but just think, if we get the Dolphins, he might just come out to find us."

Wolf's smile grew "heck, maybe even Diane from that governor role to join us." Snake shook his head "no dice, Diane left us and went good for probably years now; what makes you think she will come back to us?" "If we have Y/N, she will; he was the glue that held us together." "That may be true, Wolf, but I'm still not convinced about this heist" "fine, I guess the pig will get his prize." "pig?" "Oh, did I not mention that? Funny, I thought I did" opening the curtain to reveal a "guinea pig?" The next night you looked to Diane as you both drove to awards "he didn't recognize you?" "Nope, but I guess 10 years later, plus changing my looks, hair, etc., would do that, but I'm going to talk to him tonight. I will make sure he remembers me."

Diane laughed "god, Y/N, you are too sweet sometimes; just make sure you are there when we do the award, okay?" "I'll try~" "goofball," "you know you love it," "If I didn't, I wouldn't have come this far with you." You laughed as Diane spoke again, "do you still believe what you said to me about the love crate Meteorite?" "What, that's its alive somehow? Yeah, when I was helping out, I swore I heard it speak" "I'm not saying you're crazy, but you didn't get much sleep the night before, did you." "No, I didn't, sadly. I guess that must've been it; now come on, we are here." The night was going well Tiffay had interviewed you both.

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