I Love You Y/N (Finale)

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"WE ARE LOSING HIM!" You were weak, and you were struggling to stay alive, not from a lack of trying but because you had used all your energy to beat the demon. Now it looked like the end of the line Y/N couldn't even open his eyes; his mask filled with blood; the doors flung open "hey, you can't be in here!" You felt a soft paw in your hand. "I love you, Y/N. Do you hear me? I love you!" It was Wolf your heart rate when up a little bit as he held your hand. "I'm sorry, I don't say it more. It's not that I'm scared of you. I've never felt that way, NEVER!" He rubs your hand as tears run down his face.

"But I was scared that when you woke up from your coma, you wouldn't want to be with me anymore, so I left cause I felt if I told you how much you meant to me, then the day you did move on, it would just make me hurt more." He held on with both hands, "but the truth is Y/N I don't know how to live without you my life started the day I met you hanging upside down from that tree. You need to survive. You have to survive. SURVIVE!" He then felt a thumb rub his hand. He looked to see you. His Y/N. Who weakly opened his eyes. "Wolf?" Your voice was raspy. "Y/N!" "Heart rate stable." "Heh, we won, right?" Wolf smiled, wiping away tears "yeah, we did, Y/N, you saved LA" "no, we did. The Misfits did."

When they tried to do the surgery and remove Wolf, your heart rate went down again, so he was allowed to stay holding your hand to keep you stable.

One Year Later

It was that time of the year, The Golden Dolphin; everyone was excited, but the winner had been kept a secret from everyone except Diane, who knew who it was. She went on stage, "Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. As we all know, last year, we faced our toughest challenge. I am, of course, talking about the monster. Splaarghön who terrorized us all, but if it was not for the valiant effort of Y/N, who united us all to defeat him. The screen showed you charging the sword and killing him with your friends. People clapped and cheered, seeing the footage, "and of course, we united to help rebuild our destroyed home. But tonight, the heroes are here for you all!"

Wolf and the others came out to join Diane on stage, but Y/N was not there "so tonight I know you are asking who the winner of the Golden Dolphin is, and the Winner is Y/N L/N, come on down!" Diane yelled as at the same place in the museum where you were shot; you now stood tall and proud people clapped and cheered for you; as Y/N got up, he gave a quick kiss to Wolf, who blushed. Diane gave you the award. "I, wow, this is the second time I've held this thing. Let's hope I don't feel bad and put it back!" This got a laugh out of everyone, "but over the last year, I've been in and out of surgery learning to walk again and all that."

"I will admit it's not been easy, but well, I had a family to help me along the way" you looked at your misfit family with a few tears in your eyes. "I may have lost my parents when I was very young, but I found a new family, and I wouldn't trade them for the  world." You sigh, "but there is something I've been wanting to do for a while now, Wolf?" Your boyfriend looks at you "yeah, Y/N?" You got down on one knee as everyone gasped, "would you do me the honor of being my husband?" Wolf's eyes watered "yes, yes, A MILLION TIMES YES!" Wolf tackled you and kissed you deeply.

On the wedding day, you were waiting at the altar for Wolf Snake stood next to you. "Nervous?" He asked. "A little" "You'll be fine, Y/N," the music played, and Wolf came in "you may now kiss the groom" as you both kissed, cameras flashed, and people cheered. "This is the life" Wolf was lying on your bare chest after having your first marriage sex. Your honeymoon was at a peaceful log cabin overlooking a lake. You were gently rubbing Wolf's head as he smiled. You both watched the sunset as he spoke, "Y/N?" "yeah? Want me to pull out?" "I no, I like it in there, thanks~" he blushed. "But I want to ask you something."

"Sure~" "I...i want a kid!" "What?" "I want a kid" "why?" "they are cute, and you'll make a great dad." "No, we are both guys. We can't have a kid, and no, we aren't doing one of those pregnant male things, right, Author?"

A/N: No, I'm not doing that shit is Weird

"Thank you, see?" Wolf pouted, "what about adoption?" "How about you suck a dick?" Wolf grinned. "I would, but it's shoved up my ass right now" "I know, but no to the  kid" "oh, come  on!" And that is where we leave this story with two misfits debating having a kid. "No, and that's final!" Oh, we are back, sorry about that "fine, fine, I know when I'm beat Y/N, but hey, guess what?" "what Wolf~?"

"I love you, Y/N" "heh, I love you too, Wolf."

The End

A/N: I want to thank everyone one of you who enjoyed this story. I made this because of One, the lack of Wolf x Male reader stories that weren't one-shots or finished, and Two, I asked my follower if they wanted this back when I had about  10 followers, and someone said yes, so I'm glad you all enjoyed this story until next time~

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