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After pocketing your tickets, your group walked around playing a few more games. Wolf grabbed your hand and pointed he was pointing to 'dance, dance revolution. Wolf had a grin on his face "we know you can sing but can you dance?"

He teased, giving a cocky grin. You took off your jacket as Shark held onto it with it being two people. Wolf got on the other one "oh ho oh, you dare challenge me, Wolf?" "I can't upstage you without getting closer," Diane laughed "was that a Jojo reference?" "Yes," you both said.

Wolf was flicking through songs until he found the perfect one, 'Smooth Criminal.' "Wow, a real tough one," Shark commented; you gave your leg a little twirl making sure it was okay. Wolf saw this "you sure you are going to be okay? There is no shame in giving up" his voice was genuine, and he gave a warm smile with a hand on your shoulder.

But you gave a determination towards him. "No, I want to do this," the song started as the music video played as you both nailed the arrows as they came up; the group watched in awe as you both danced in perfect sync it was like you and Wolf were one being like your souls were connected.

Finally, once the song was done, you were breathing hard as was Wolf looking at the score; it was a tie; a laugh came from Snake, "bet you can't do that again if you tried" looking over, you saw those yellow eyes looking back into your (E/C) eyes.

You both moved closer to each other until the sound of tickets could be heard, breaking you both out of your trance "sorry, don't know what came over me," Wolf said, hiding his hands behind his back. "I didn't mind~" you teased, causing Wolf to blush more.

As the day went on, you had gotten 51,000 tickets in total; you asked everyone what they wanted most asked for small things, but Wolf saw something for 25,000 tickets as you also saw something for 25,000 tickets, both grabbing them the group had headed out to find somewhere to eat.

Wolf tapped you on the shoulder; turning around you, he handed what he had gotten. "This is for you."

You looked shocked

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You looked shocked. "I...thank you, wolf" he placed it around your neck as you gave him what you had gotten. "And this is for you, Wolf."

He put it on his pinkie finger and inspected it "nice, real nice, thank you, Y/N

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He put it on his pinkie finger and inspected it "nice, real nice, thank you, Y/N." He planted a quick kiss on your cheek before looking away with a blush "sorry, I just wanted to thank you for the gift in a meaningful way" you rubbed his cheek with a smile "you got warm fur~." Walking out, you left the wolf shocked as he ran behind you.

"What took you guys so long?" Webs asked, "oh, just exchanging our tickets as all now come. I know a good place that does pizza around here" after a bit of walking, you found an excellent place, sitting down and ordering, you all sat down enjoying pizza together.

You smiled, seeing all your friends laughing; you couldn't remember the last time you had this much fun "Y/N, you there?" Wolf waved a hand in front of your face "huh, sorry, must have zoned out; what's up."

"We were asking if you wanted to hang out tomorrow there in an old warehouse near where Snake lives; we were planning on going, just wanted to check if you wanted to go" "yeah, that sounds cool," Diane looked over to you "won't your parents be worried?" You held a fake smile "don't worry, you they will be fine with it" Diane nodded but looked at her phone "damn, I won't be able to come; something is going on with my dad, and he wants me there."

"Man, sorry to hear that, Diane. I wish you could be there; we will tell you all about it, though," Shark responded. As the sun went down, you stood up "okay, misfits, I think it's time we act like a wolf and get the pack out of here" "ah, wordplay, I don't get it," Piranha said, "also misfits why call us that?" You looked around and saw all the customers as far away as they could be from your group.

"I guess it's a hunch I have, plus I mean, look at us, a bunch of talking animals and some humans with scars we don't exactly fit it; that's why I say we are the misfits we don't fully belong, but we got each other, and that's more than enough for me." You smiled, heading out the door as the group followed.

One by one, your friends left, heading down their own streets to their homes until it was just you, Wolf, and Snake "do you wish it was different Y/N?" Snake asked. "What do you mean?" "What I mean is you could change your looks, put on some makeup to hide that scar, and you would fit into society perfectly."

"And leave my friends behind? No thanks I'd rather be an outcast and have my friends, rather than belong and have no friends" "huh, okay then, well, see you two later" Snake went down his street until you finally got to your street.

"Welp, this is my road. I guess I will see you tomorrow" Wolf had his hands in his pockets "yeah, I will see you then; take care" "hey, Wolf" "yeah?" You pulled him in and kissed him on the lips. This shocked him but he didn't reject it either; after parting, you smiled, walking down your street, leaving the shocked wolf behind.

You said one last thing before going, "yep, still warm fur~."

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