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With that, the door swung open. "five minutes is up," Marmalade was taken out as Wolf yelled at Diane, "Y/N been taken!" The doors slammed shut, and the group was driven off to prison with Y/N. He slowly woke up. He was still in the limo. In front of him was a metal robot.

"I'm glad you are finally awake, Y/N

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"I'm glad you are finally awake, Y/N. It would be a shame to kill you while you were asleep." You raised an eyebrow "what the hell are you?" "Less what and more Who I am, the ancient demon Splaarghön. I control the robot in front of you" "what do you want with me?" He laughed. "I want you dead your parents condemned me trapping me in the Love crate meteorite!" The robot slammed his fist down "let me guess, you killed my parents, right?" "Of course, it was only fair that they die for what they did to me!" You sighed "at least I know what happened to them now."

The car stopped as a small ball of energy was created in his hand, "out of the car now" doing so, you knew this place well. It was your home or where it used to be "down on your knees" doing so, the hatch was right in front of you "any last words?" "Yeah, behind you" "do you really think I'm that stupid?" He had lowered his guard enough for you to slip into the hatch, running in. It was still just as tight "okay, that's it, time to die." Hitting you across the face and against a wall, 'identity confirmed' the wall gave away as a sword standing on a pedestal.

It was as if it called to you running; you grabbed it, and it started to glow as you held it; another energy ball came at you thinking fast, and with the swing of your sword, it was sliced in half "no it can't be" rushing, you went for his arm, an...

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It was as if it called to you running; you grabbed it, and it started to glow as you held it; another energy ball came at you thinking fast, and with the swing of your sword, it was sliced in half "no it can't be" rushing, you went for his arm, and it came off

It was as if it called to you running; you grabbed it, and it started to glow as you held it; another energy ball came at you thinking fast, and with the swing of your sword, it was sliced in half "no it can't be" rushing, you went for his arm, an...

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