✉︎ - he's like a living angel

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park sunghoon is about to walk in for his "first day" of school. technically, it's not his first day. he transferred in the middle of the school year due to some... inconveniences at his last school.

he was extremely nervous to walk through the door and into his class. he had missed first period since they had some problems with his regristation at the front desk.

"dad, please just tell them to put me in a normal class!" sunghoon whisper-yelled to his dad who was looking through his wallet for his identification card. "you know im going to be the laughing stock of the class if they put me into an honors class."

mr. park sighed and shook his head, a frown on his face.

"sunghoon," he began. "you've been hiding for far too long. i think it's time that you try and show yourself for who you really are. you can't always be the shy boy in the corner." mr. park tried his best to comfort sunghoon.

sunghoon slowly shook his head, afraid of what was yet to come. he had never had a good time when it came to academics. sure, he was smart, but his anxiety overpowered that part of his brain.

"i know you're an awesome kid, sunghoon. please, just try this for this year." mr. park patted sunghoons back, waiting for a response from him.

"i... okay..." sunghoon sighed in defeat, his heart about to jump out of his chest. he felt like he could pass out at any moment now.

"park sunghoon? we've got you checked in. you're free to go to your class now. here is your schedule, your teacher has been informed of your arrival." the receptionist spoke calmly, handing sunghoon a sheet of paper which included his schedule.

"thank you, ma'am..." sunghoon spoke just above a whisper. his eyes scanned the paper and noticed his first class was on the 2nd floor in room 201.

"i'll see you after school then, sunghoon. best of luck, yeah?" his dad put his hand on his shoulder, grinning.

sunghoon softly smiled and nodded, saying his goodbyes and making his way up the stairs.

he took as much time as he could to go up the stairs, taking in multiple deep breaths out of nervousness and anxiousness.

once he had finished climbing up the sets of stairs necessary to reach his designated classroom, he walked up to the door and took in one final breath.

you'll be fine, sunghoon.

he closed his eyes momentarily and then opened the door a little more confidently than he would have imagined.

"ah, you must be the new student. everyone, eyes up here." the teacher tapped her pen to the whiteboard to gain the students attention. some students gasped, some students looked at their friends in shock, and some were snoring away in boredome.

"introduce yourself, hun." the teacher stepped aside so sunghoon was now in the front of the classroom. he looked at all of the students in the class, noting how rude and how nice each one of them looked.

one of the kids that sunghoon noticed was particularly attractive and had a shocked expression on his face. he was whispering to his friend sitting next to him.

this "kid" is nishimura riki, let's see what hes whispering to his friend about, shall we?

"holy fucking smokes..." riki spoke just below a whisper. "jake... hes like a living angel..." riki looked like he had been in love with sunghoon for as long as he'd been alive.

"he just walked into the room, calm down." jake, rikis best friend, chuckled.

"whatever, he's so... hes so... oh my god man hes just perfect..." riki had hearts in his eyes at this point, if it werent for jake slapping his shoulder, he would've almost missed sunghoons entire introduction.

now, back to the living angel.

"uh, hello... m-my name is sunghoon and.. i..."sunghoons soft voice faded lower as he lost confidence. "i-i dont know what else to say..." he whispered to the teacher.

"thats fine, you can go sit down right over there in the corner next to jungwon. jungwon, please raise your hand!" the teacher called out for jungwon, who was the human equivalent of a cat, to raise his hand.

when sunghoon had identified the cat-like boy, he carefully walked over, avoiding eye contact to the best of his ability.

"bitch, theres an empty seat right here!" riki whispered as quietly as possible, motioning towards the empty seat next to him and jakes table.

"its fine, you can find some other way of communicating with him." jake calmed riki down, unzipping his pencil case to take out a stack of post-its. "look, when you see post-its, what do you think of?"

"uh, notes?" riki chuckled lowly, grabbing the sticky notes when jake held them closer to him.

"yeah, what else?" jake pushed.

"uh, love notes? i dont know man, just get to the point of what you're trying to say." riki sighed, annoyed.

jake was also annoyed, looking at riki with a blank face.

"you were close... you can write love notes to sunghoon as a secret admirer and put them on his desk or his in locker of something every day!!" jake beamed with excitement, and for once, riki actually considered of his stupid ideas.

"hey, thats the first time of your ideas hasn't made me want to burst into tears." riki smiles, nodding proudly. "maybe i'll try it. how would i hide my identity though?"

"are you fucking stupid? just dont say your name, idiot." jake laughed, keeping his voice low.

if you're wondering what the teacher is doing, let's just say shes currently busy talking about herself to care about anyone else.

"you're the stupid one. i know that, thats obvious, but like.. how do i do it in a way where he wont find out?" he slapped jakes head playfully.

"you gotta be strategic. get here earlier than him and try to be subtle." jake gave advice to riki, who was planning it all out in his head.

"what if hes not into guys? or has a partner or whatever?" riki queried.

"dumbass, do you think i know?" jake rolled his eyes and riki made a "tsk" sound with his tongue.

"whatever, ill make it work either way." riki smirked, glancing at sunghoon who was quietly having a conversation with jungwon across the room from him.

"can't wait for it then" jake smiled, turning around when the teacher made an 'ah-em' noise to gain the classes attention.

"ill make it work, angel" niki whispered lowly.

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