✉︎ - hide my love

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(a/n: I changed rikis birthday to november 9th because I think I might've accidentally referred to sunghoon as the younger one a few times!)

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riki decided that there was really no way out of being sunghoons partner. he chose to walk up to him when the bell rang to ask for his number, just so they could talk about meeting up.

and because it would save them some time in the future.

don't think too far ahead, nishimura he shook his head to get rid of his foreshadowing thoughts. he heard the annoying sound of the bell ringing in his ears and grabbed his notebook roughly. he stuffed it into his bag and slung it over onto his back, making his way to sunghoon.

"hey, you're sunghoon, right?" he asked, noticing the piece of paper that the boy was hiding under his notebook. sunghoon enthusiastically nodded at his question, a smile leaving his lips.

"cool, uh," riki fished out a pen from his hoodie pocket and took a random crumpled up ball of paper from the sidepockets on his bag out. he unwrapped it and ripped off a blank spot. "here. write your number on this." he gave the piece of paper to sunghoon who took it and looked up at riki, grinning happily.

"okay.." he whispered, not knowing how his small gestures were making the boy before hims heart flutter.

sunghoon quickly scribbled his number in neat handwriting, accidentally followed with a heart which he hesitated to erase. before he could, he heard rikis voice from the side.

"you done?" he asked, looking over from sunghoons shoulder. sunghoon said nothing and handed him the paper shyly.

riki nodded affirmatively before turning around to leave. he was taken aback when he felt two taps on his shoulder and turned back around to face sunghoon; he seemed like he had a question.

"uhm... sorry... I forgot your name.." sunghoon muttered, embarrassed.

"it's alright. nishimura riki. I'll text you after school, okay?" riki mentally cursed. he was both relieved that he hadn't let the word "angel" slip out, but also angry that he had even thought of saying it. sunghoon nodded once more and waved goodbye to riki.

sunghoon wasn't much of a fool, so he decided to take the reply to the note he'd written with him and just leave it on his desk the next day. that way, someone who it didn't belong to wouldn't find it.

they both exited the classroom side by side but parted since their next classes were on opposite sides of the school.

after their small encounter, sunghoon felt that he was faced with a big crisis: he really thought riki was handsome, but he really liked the personality of the person writing letters to him as well. he wasn't sure who he had a better liking towards, and it bugged him for the rest of the day up until he got home.

when he got home, the first thing he did was take a long shower to try and wash away the inner conflict he was facing. as he was drying his hair with a blow dryer, he saw his phone light up and the sound of a notification filled the silent room.

"hm?" he squeaked, walking over to his phone with his blow dryer still on. his face broke out into a ear-to-ear grin when he saw a text from an unknown number which read 'hey, is this sunghoon? I'm riki.'

sunghoon quickly turned off his blow dryer; his hair was dry enough. he wiped off his slightly damp hands on his bedsheets and began typing back to the boy.

'yeah, it is! can we call to talk?' sunghoon typed out slowly, afraid that he was asking for too much.

on the other end of the screen, riki was smiling like a dork at sunghoons enthusiasm. he took a little longer to reply to not give away his adoration for the boy and typed 'sure'.

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