✉︎ - so close, yet so far

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✉︎ ✉︎ ✉︎

"hey.. I'm the person who wrote those notes... yeaa...!" riki facepalmed as he stared at himself in the mirror. the game was coming up in an hour or so and he had been practicing for the past 30 minutes. he wanted to make a good impression on sunghoon, but he hadn't taken into account how awkward it would be since sunghoon was practically bff's with him now.

"whatever," he looked at himself, tugging at the under part of his eye tiredly. he sighed and turned around, disregarding his reflection entirely. he didn't want to go all out for an outfit, since he really was going there to support his team, so he chose to wear his jersey as a unsuspecting way of saying "you guys better win!"

he slipped on the jersey effortlessly, wearing a simple white long-sleeve crewneck underneath it. he heard his phone buzz 3 times consecutively and walked up to it, scratching at an itchy part of his neck before setting down in his desks' chair.


hi riki!!
I might not be able to see you for likeeee... a few minutes during the game!! someone's meeting up with me! :D
I hope you don't mind.. :>

riki didn't think it was humanly possible to read any of sunghoons texts with a nonchalant face, so it was no surprise that he had burst into happiness right after seeing his contact name.


don't worry about it! I'll save you a seat.

thank you, riki! you're the best <33

"does that mean he likes me?" riki furrowed his eyebrows, pulling up urban dictionary. he realized how stupid he was being midway and stood up, coming to the conclusion that he was just overly nervous and needed some fresh air. in fact, if he wanted to get there before sunghoon, he would need to go, like, right now.

"actually, I'll go in 5 minutes." he spoke to no one in particular — even though he didn't ask for a response, his phone seemingly gave him one buy flashing the time right in his face. "shit! I'll be late if I don't go now..." he whispered, rushing out the door with one shoe undone.

. . .

"jungwon, what should I wear?" sunghoon had asked jungwon to come over to his house so they could panic together. jungwon, despite literally knowing the identity of his admirer, had actually done his fair share in holding up the secret — how surprising.

"just wear something casual, hoon. anything you'd usually wear. he's already expressed how much he likes your usual outfits, so why should what you wear today make any more of a difference?" jungwon muttered, fixing up some loose pieces of hair which sunghoon didn't notice due to his anxiety.

"I know!! but like—" sunghoon swatted away jungwons hand when jungwon quite purposefully tugged at a strand of hair roughly. jungwon let out a loud laugh and sunghoon sulked silently, staring at himself in the mirror. "wait!! wasn't your brother on the team last year?" sunghoon turned around, alarming jungwon.

"uhm, yeah, why?" jungwon looked at sunghoon who looked at him as if it were obvious. "okay, I clearly don't know what you mea—"

"he has a jersey, right?" sunghoon was begging that he did, because this would be the ultimate outfit if so.

jungwon was quiet for a few seconds before responding: "..yeah..?"

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