✉︎ - he must be crazy

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"did you hear?"

"hear about what?"

"that sunghoon kid, people in his homeroom say that he's been getting letters from an annonymous person for a few weeks."

"poor boy, he's probably getting played by one of the seniors."

"too bad for him."

sunghoon sighed as he walked past yet another group of students gossiping about his admirer. he was used to it by now, it had been happening for the past week or so.

ever since that day where sunghoon and riki got paired, people actually started noticing him. riki wasn't popular for nothing, and wherever riki goes, the crowds eyes follow. sunghoon usually would have liked for people to start noticing him, but the attention he was receiving wasn't the good kind.

someone found a note riki wrote to sunghoon a few days ago, and now the whole class knows. he wouldn't be surprised if their entire grade knew too.

at least the person was decent enough to not take the note; they left it untouched on the desk — not that that made it any better, though.

as per usual, riki had been giving in his letters, making them more bold by the day. he had started leaving in small filler notes throughout the day as well; for example, if they had a test in the same period, riki would stick a quick "good luck!" on his desk. it wasn't much, but somehow it magically made sunghoons average go from an 89% to a 96%.

finally, he exhaled when he eventually reached his homeroom class. he wishes he was in here to be dismissed from class, but it was rather the opposite. he found his seat next to jungwon and smiled softly at the sight of a pastel orange paper covered in familiar handwriting.

"hi, won." he greeted the cat-like boy, dropping his backpack onto the floor tiredly. he hadn't been sleeping much lately since he needed to finish up his project; he was envious of riki who had finished it the night that he'd came over.

"hey, hoonie." jungwon knitted his brows out of concern when he saws the faint dark circles forming under his seatmates eyes. "sunghoon? have you been getting sleep?" jungwon ran a hand through sunghoons hair and rubbed his back, unknowingly lulling him to sleep.

"sunghoon..." jungwon tsk-ed when sunghoon almost fainted onto the desk in front of him, taking out his water bottle to let the tired boy airsip a few mouthfuls. sunghoon lifted his head and blinked thrice before asking jungwon to repeat his inquiry.

"nothing, hoon. how about you read the note?" sunghoon looked at jungwon with hesitance scattered all across his features; jungwon quickly realized what he was so worried about and reassured him. "don't worry, I made sure nobody read it."

"I hope he's getting enough sleep," riki frowned, watching sunghoon from a distance. he had just realized how hard it would be to keep up his identity as sunghoons admirer when they were literally friends now.

"when are you planning to reveal yourself?" jake inquired, moving his focus from riki to the aforementioned boy who was currently reading the note.

"I don't know, man. I guess it'll have to be soon." riki suspired, putting his head down on the desk. he brought it up again when he heard a round of giggles coming from sunghoons desk; they weren't from sunghoon, but rather from jungwon. how much rizz do you have to have to be able to fluster not only your crush, but his best mate too? 

"how come?" jakes sudden question brought riki back to reality. he had totally forgotten to even tell jake about him being partnered up with sunghoon!

"ah, I forgot to tell you." riki chuckled lowly, turning to face jake better. "I got paired with sunghoon for ms. lena's project." jake gasped at the news.

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