✉︎ - one last note

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"riki! riki! riki!" jake, jungwon, and jay were all huddled around the aforementioned soccer players desk, encouraging him to place the neatly folded envelope on sunghoons desk. it hadn't been too long since he had revealed himself as sunghoon's admirer, and it had been only 4 weeks since they shared their first kiss. all was going well for them, and riki thought it was time to break the big question.

hi, my angel! you already know who this is, so I don't think a formal introduction is necessary. I've got some things to say to you, and none of them are anything short of exciting.

I'm sure you'll be pleased with what you hear, so come to the same spot where I first revealed myself. come during lunch break.

I'll be there, waiting for you, as I have been all this time.


"come on! don't make me drag sunoo and daniel here!" jungwon whined, pounding his fist against the desk like a child who didn't get a toy that they wanted. "I'll even get heeseung-hyung if it's necessary!"

speaking of the latter, heeseung, jay, and jungwon hit it off pretty well. the oldest out of the trio had only been acquainted to them for just a few weeks, but they already had their wheels turning for a lifetime. after the party, they exchanged numbers and began talking every day.

the whole group now sat in the central garden of the school to eat lunch with everyone; heeseung and daniel included. daniel, though he was in the grade below them, was nothing short of a sweet guy who had his knowledge in check. he always knew when to bring up the most random yet useful facts and passages of information, but never spoke otherwise. every time he opened his mouth, something revolutionary would come out of it. that was one of the main reasons as to why he was so fun to be around.

returning to the scene of riki being hounded by a third of his friend group to put the letter on his seat-neighbors desk; jake was close to smacking some sense into the other boy, because he still was nervous for some reason. he made it seem like him and sunghoon were still in their admirer-recipient era, when, in reality, they were far from that. they were close to becoming boyfriends now, and all that was stopping them from becoming such was the doubt in riki's head.

that's what was making the situation even worse; the doubt came from his head, not from his heart. deep down, he knew that sunghoon would be ecstatic to know that he was being asked out by someone who he had fancied all this time. he knew sunghoon wouldn't say no even if he didn't want to be riki's boyfriend — he was too kind to do so, and the younger was always open to trying new things, even if it meant dating someone who he didn't know.

that wasn't the case with riki, though. they were fairly close, having shared many kisses over the past few weeks and even a short make out session as well. they have pet names for each other and their hearts soar when they see each other; that's why riki wanted to smack himself for being so doubtful and scared.

"ugh, fuck it." he rolled his eyes, wordlessly grabbing jakes double-sided tape and sticking a good amount of it onto the back of the letter. he didn't need anyone taking the letter, much less finding out about him being the admirer and getting sunghoon dragged into the mess all over again.

he stood up, his chair making an awfully sound screeching noise that surely grabbed the attention of the entire class. jungwon was quick to make a move, though, as he turned around and gave everyone a death glare. everyone turned their heads back and continued with whatever they were doing prior to intruding in riki's personal business.

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