✉︎ - just a tease

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riki seriously fucked up.

he forgot to set his alarm last night, and now he was awake 45 minutes late with no time to write a note or anything. he was sure that sunghoon was already at school now, and there was no point in writing one at the moment.

he pulled up his schedule on his phone and his heart rose back up from where it sank to his stomach when he saw he had 2 other periods with sunghoon. he could write a note before then.

after putting away his phone and putting on a somewhat presentable outfit, he ran a hand through his hair and nodded proudly at his reflection in the mirror. damn, I look good today.

he quickly cringed at his mental words and left his room to pop on his shoes, taking his leave as quickly as possible so he wouldn't be late. the only positive thing he got from waking up late was that he would still be on time, since he set his alarms earlier to accomodate his note-writing process.

he left his house, already thinking of what he would write on his note today.

but oh boy, riki did not know what was coming for him.

. . .

riki was currently sat in his seat next to jake, sporting the most shocked look ever. jake mirrored his expression as they stared at sunghoon pretty obviously while he walked through the isles of desks.

"oh. my. gosh." riki sputtered out, at a loss for words. sunghoon was wearing the most extravagant, beautiful, and adorable outfit ever. (you can imagine how you want his outfit to look, riki was just so mesmerized that he couldn't even focus.)

"he has to be messing with me now. especially after what I said yesterday." riki whispered to jake who looked at his seatmate, his face shock-ridden.

"he definitely is." jake stated, looking at the boy riki admired oh so much. "he'll be sad you didn't write a note today." jake presumed, and riki agreed.

on sunghoons end, he was surely dissapointed that there was no note. along with no note, jungwon was gone too. he had a tiny drop of hope in him that jungwon would enter the room in the 15 minutes of homeroom that were left, but he doubted it. class president is never late.

sunghoon sighed, having nothing to do since his seatmate was missing and there was no sign of a letter from his secret lover. he blew some stray strands of hair out of his face, looking extremely cute while doing so.

riki was about to get up and start talking to the boy, yet he fought the urge when he heard the door open and jungwon walked in. he saw sunghoons eyes light up in happiness and felt a spark of anger, or, perhaps, jealousy?

he shook his head, jungwon was helping him with this plan. plus, jungwon already had a crush on some random boy in the grade above them. theres no way he would have a crush on sunghoon with how obsessed he was with his other crush.

he blinked rapidly to exit his cavern of thoughts, and returned his focus to the two boys not so far from him.

sunghoon and jungwon were conversing, and he noticed sunghoon pout when jungwon mentioned some topic. he must be talking about the note.

riki was absolutely sure he would be writing a note to sunghoon the next period they had together, he has to know what that outfit is doing to rikis mental health.

he jumped at the sound of the bell, as did half of the class. that included jungwon and sunghoon, who hugged each other before sunghoon waved goodbye to jungwon and left the classroom.

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