✉︎ - you don't need a fever to be a sick person

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"riki, please say you're joking." jake was pacing around the classroom door, hesitating to enter.

riki's currently sick in bed, and he decided that for his and jakes clingy asses safety, he shouldn't go to school. both jungwon and jake were not on board with the idea, because it was very obvious what would happen to sunghoon.

he sighed when riki didn't answer and ended the call. jake shoved his phone into his pocket and entered the classroom grumpily. he barely even moved when he bowed towards the teacher, but he calmed himself down and apologized, proceeding to bow down a whole 90 degrees after.

the teacher found his action sweet and let him go with no warnings. jake mentally congratulated himself and walked over to his and rikis desk. well, for today, it would be just his desk.

any happiness that derived from his teacher excusing him was quickly forgotten when he saw sunghoon enter the room with a drained look on his face. jake spared a glance at jungwon who looked from the empty table in front of him to the exhausted boy coming near.

"sunghoonie, are you okay?" jungwon pulled sunghoon in for a hug and held him for a good 15 seconds before reluctantly letting go.

sunghoon wordlessly nodded and looked over at jake and the empty seat next to him. the slight smile on his face from jungwons warm hug dropped when he saw neither riki nor his backpack filling up the empty space next to jake.

it hurt jakes heart tremendously to see his best friends babygirl with such a pained look on his face, but he knew he couldn't shoot down rikis façade that quickly. riki must've had a plan b sorted out somehow. he wouldn't miss school today otherwise.

"nishimura riki, I really hope you have a plan." jake whispered, watching sunghoon and jungwon idly.

. . .

"sunghoon, don't give up so easily. I'm sure your admirer is out there somewhere." jungwon had been trying to cheer up sunghoon for the whole day, but to no avail. he even tried singing his favorite song! he thought he sounded good, but jake just thought he sounded offkey and very tone deaf.

"but he didn't show up yesterday and he didn't write a note today. what if it really was a joke?" sunghoon rested his head on the table, speaking in a pouty tone. jungwon sighed and shared a look with jake, feeling terrible for the younger.

"hey, don't say that." jungwon petted sunghoons hair softly, consoling him to the best of his ability.

"why?" sunghoon asked, lifting up his head slowly. "are you my admirer?" sunghoon bitterly chuckled, looking in between jake and jungwon.

"me? what makes you say that?" jungwons nervous chuckle really made sunghoon contemplate whether or not he actually was his admirer. jake clicked his tongue and said something about how jungwon was just as bad as riki.

"I don't know. you just seem like it." sunghoom sighed, looking away again.

"don't be like that, hoon." jungwon patted sunghoons back before sunghoon shifted uncomfortably, ultimately causing jungwon to remove his hand.

"then stop giving me false hope." those were sunghoons final regards before he stood up and left jungwon and jake staring at each other cluelessly.

. . .

jake and jungwon were mortified.

they looked at sunghoon and jungwons desk from where they stood in the front of the half empty classroom in horror.

riki was absent today as well since he wasn't feeling any better.

so why was there a post it note on sunghoons desk?

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