✉︎ - sticky note admirer

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today was the day!

riki was going to go through with his plan of writing love notes annonymously for sunghoon every day.

it took a lot of thought, but after about 4 days, 2 hours and 2 minutes of contemplation and thought, he decided to just do it.

he had already prepared his first note the night before, afraid that he would somehow fuck it up if he did it the morning of.

he made sure to set an alarm for bright and early in the morning so he would be one of the first to show up to class.

the only thing stopping him was... yang jungwon...


"seriously? love notes? already?" jungwon questioned, taking a big bite out of his subway sandwich.

"come on, jungwon. you can't lie. he's beautiful." riki surrounded himself with thoughts of the mesmerizing boy once more before getting snapped back to reality by jungwons voice.

"yeah, he is. absolutely." jungwon nodded, sipping at his fruit punch caprisun. "that doesn't explain why you have to do this so early. do you even know if hes into guys? or if hes already taken by someone?" jungwon asked, raising a brow expectantly.

"w-well, maybe through this I can find out! and whatever. maybe at first i'll just write friendly stuff." riki waved off the thought. "but thats a though for another time. what really matters is me needing YOU to record back to me what he says and feels about each note."

"oh..? that's... a lot simpler than i thought." jungwon chuckled.

"huh?" riki furrowed his eyebrows confused.

"i thought you'd want me to become very best friends with him and find out every detail about his life." jungwon stated, crumbling up the wrapping paper of the sandwich after he finished it.

"well.." riki mischeviously smirked before jungwon sighed, knowing exactly what he was about to say.

"no, riki. i'm not going to stalk him." jungwon said with flat eyes and a bored expression.

"hey! thats not what i was gonna say!" riki called out to jungwon who stood up to throw out his trash and leave the cafeteria, both of them laughing.


riki was walking, well, practically speedwalking through the hallway so he could get to his class. he was proud of what he had written on his note, and he looked down at it to read it one more time.

hey, sunghoon, right?
you're cute. let's be friends, yeah?
one thing... we're going to have to play a little game before you know who i really am.


sure, it was sort of cheesy and didn't have much to it, but riki wanted to play it safe until he was sure sunghoon didn't have a partner.

he walked through the doors and bowed at his teacher who smiled, motioning for him to take a seat.

instead of going to his seat though, he swiftly stopped by sunghoons seat and quickly stuck the post-it onto his desk. at first, he was worried someone else would take it. however, knowing that jungwon was an early bird and he'd be there soon to be on guard, he was less disturbed.

he sighed in satisfaction, quickly running his fingers over the small note to make sure it stuck onto the table well. he then made his way over to his and jakes shared table.

he took out his phone to notify jake and jungwon about "operation sunghoon" taking off, and then began to take out his notebook and other supplies for class.

you might be thinking that riki doesn't have every single class with sunghoon, to which you are correct: he doesn't. that's why he has to make up a plan for which period(s) he's going to give sunghoon a note during.

he was alarmed when the door had burst open and jungwon and jake walked in, clearly deep in conversation about something.

they went their separate ways to go to their respective desks (which weren't that far apart,) and both of their eyes lightened up when they saw the pink note on sunghoons desk.

"ey, man. finally came out of your shell?" jake did his handshake with riki, who scoffed and pushed him to sit down in his seat.

"psh, shut up. i sent you a picture of what i wrote. you saw already?" riki notioned towards jakes cellphone, and the owner of said cellphone shook his head.

"no, i haven't actually... somethings up with my notifications. its whatever though." jake said before he clicked on the image riki sent to get a closer look at it. "damn, you really did break outta your shell." jake patted rikis back, smirking proudly.

"all thanks to you. if you and your silly ideas didn't rile me up to this point, maybe i'd still be a boring teenager." riki theorized, and jake made a 'hm' noise, considering his words carefully.

"i guess so." jake nodded, looking up at the door when it made a creeking noise. he looked over at riki who was still writing the date in his notebook and shoved him lightly. "dude! nishimura riki!" he whisper-yelled at him.

riki made a clicking noise with his tongue before responding.

"what?" he said, playfully annoyed.

"use your eyes!! sunghoon just walked in!!" riki immediately looked up, letting go of his grip on the pen he was writing with.

his eyes followed the cute boy. sunghoon was wearing a cute oversized shirt with slightly baggy black cargo pants. as always, riki thought he looked amazing.

sunghoon furrowed his eyebrows at he walked towards his desk, definitely noticing the bright pink post it on it.

"...jungwon..?" sunghoon whispered loud enough for jake and riki to hear from a table away.

"yeah?" jungwon asked, his face going pale when he saw that sunghoon was pointing at the note. "woah, what's that?" jungwon faked his shock and leaned in over to totally sell the act.

sunghoon nervously extended his arm to pick up the note, reading what it said carefully.

"w-wonie, you.. you aren't pranking me are you?" sunghoon whispered to jungwon slowly, looking at him with innocent eyes.

"no, sunghoon. i'd never. what does the note say?" jungwon put his hand to his heart sincerely and leaned further, seriously curious as to what the piece of paper had written on it.

"whoever wrote it called me... c-cute?" sunghoons face quickly blushed and he covered his mouth with his hand, embarrassed. he held the note out to jungwon to read. when sunghoon wasnt looking, jungwon winked and held a thumbs up to riki who was very satisfied with how sunghoon reacted.

"wonieee!! who wrote this?!" sunghoon stomped his feet like a little child, but made sure to not do it visibly since more students were coming into the room.

"i don't know hoon. maybe whoever wrote it will give you more notes? maybe that's what the game they're talking about is." jungwon suggested, pointing at the part of the note that talked about playing a game.

"i want to know who it is..." sunghoon looked around the classroom, accidentally locking eyes with riki until he looked away quickly. riki somehow heard what sunghoon said, and whispered to himself lowly.

"you'll find out soon, love."

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