✉︎ - maybe you'll see me ;)

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sunghoon was fairly happy. in just a few days, he had managed to catch up on sleep and finish the project! (not without rikis help, though)

he was walking in the halls giddily, hoping to see jungwon or riki when he walks into the classroom. he had also been introduced to rikis friend jake through the in-class presentation that they did together.

sunghoon was glad to be making more friends, because now he didn't have to download stupid AI therapist buddies to talk to. he could actually talk to a real human with a beating heart!

he pushed open the door to the classroom happily, not even batting an eye at all the weird looks he received from his classmates. he swiftly bowed to the teacher who wrote a check next to his name for attendance and walked towards his and jungwons desk.

he waved at the boy, grinning at the slightly smaller than usual paper before him. jungwon waved back, showing off the badge he'd gotten for being the most responsible member in the student council. sunghoon giggled at how proud he looked.

sunghoon turned around, hoping to see riki in he seat, but he frowned when the aforementioned boy wasn't there. he perked up at the sight of jake, and walked over to him after placing his backpack down.

jake heard someones footsteps growing nearer and moved his attention from his phonescreen to sunghoon, who waved at him excitedly with a smile on his face.

jake now understands why riki wanted to rizz sunghoon up.

"hey, sunghoon. what do you need?" jake shut off his phone and set it to the side, giving sunghoon his full attention. sunghoon gave  an eye-smile at the gesture and sat down where riki was supposed to be seated.

"is riki coming today?" he asked, tilting his head to a certain degree.

"oh, yeah, he's here. he's just gone to the bathroom. I'm sure he'll be back soon." jake motioned towards the door to give sunghoon a better sense of what he was saying. "he must be nervous for today."

"today? what's today?" sunghoon returned his head to normal and instead furrowed his eyebrows to display his curiousity. jake pursed his lips at the fact that sunghoon wasn't aware of the schools end-of-trimester soccer game, deciding to tell him anyhow.

"the school soccer game. riki isn't playing, but he's probably nervous for his team. he'll probably go to cheer them on." jake explained, sunghoon made a sound of understanding at his words.

"oohhh, okay! in that case, I'll probably go too. I don't know much about soccer, but I want to support riki in any way I can." sunghoon flashed jake an ear to ear grin before he heard the door to the classroom open. he pushed back the seat and stood up, walking over to where riki was to talk to him.

rikis demeanor went from somewhat nervous to confident and bright when he saw sunghoon walking up to him. sunghoon called out for him, making him walk a little faster.

"riki! I finished the project!" he exclaimed joyfully. riki put up a hand to highfive the shorter, proud of him.

"great job! I'm proud."

"I wouldn't be able to do it without your help, though. thank you, riki." oh my gosh, did sunghoon get an extra cup of confidence in his coffee today? 'cause he literally just grabbed rikis hand and massaged his thumb. what the fuck.

riki stammered trying to process what just happened while jungwon and jake made supportive sounds in the back. sunghoon, being the oblivious dumbass he is, didn't understand that what he did was more romantic rather than platonic, and pulled away from the touch quickly. he returned back to jungwon and let riki sit down without another word.

"okay, finally. time for you to read." anyone could tell jungwon was waiting for sunghoon to come back so they could read the letter. don't tell anyone I told you this, but sunghoon will sometimes text jungwon while on his bed, kicking his feet and giggling about the notes he received. at this point, it was like jungwon had a secret admirer too.

hey, angel. I know you've been waiting for this day, your fans probably have been too...

are you going to the soccer game this evening? if not, it's at 5:30 PM in the schools outdoor stadium. best come by 5:15 if you want to see the surprise though...

you might wonder, why am I asking?

well, maybe you'll see me ;)

final regards then, okay?

I love you.


sunghoon and jungwon both looked at each other as if they were about to scream bloody murder. the only reason neither of them did was because people were already on sunghoons ass about the admirer thing, and this would make things worse.

jungwon and sunghoon silently celebrated. jungwon kissed both of sunghoons cheeks platonically, like a delighted mother. with the way they were acting, someone might've thought they had won the lottery.

"riki, what did you write?" jake spoke in a slightly scared tone. riki had written a lot of things before that scared him to a certain degree, but he was terribly mortified to hear his answer now.

"oh, uhm, I don't know. I might have... just maybe..."


"I might have told him that he might see me at the game... in basic words, I'm revealing myself this evening."

damn, the way jake gasped made it seem like he had just gotten his first breath of air after suffocating for 10 hours straight.


"calm down, jesus!" riki slapped a hand over jakes mouth to shut him up, making the two laugh brightly. jake peered over to see what jungwon and sunghoon were doing and they were still looking at each other happily. sunghoon sure was one lucky guy!

"you're really gonna do it?" jake whispered, taking rikis hand off after they had returned to normal.

"we'll see." riki held back a smile as he listened to the sounds of sunghoon squealing. his heart warmed up, he was finally going to do it.

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