✉︎ - dropout activities

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"nishimura." sunghoon breathed out.

nishimura riki.

the same boy who kept him stuck in the tide of decisions. the same boy who wouldn't let him settle with his admirer.

the handsome boy who was so kind to him..

..was his admirer this whole time?

sunghoon felt relieved and shocked at the same time. he wasnt exactly sure what he should've been feeling, but he sure was glad that he wouldnt have to struggle picking between riki and the writer.

letting out an extended sigh of relief, he finally batted his long lashes and looked up at the aforementioned boy. riki was already looking at sunghoon, smirking softly.

"you.. you were him the whole time?" sunghoon trailed back to all the things he had told riki; he'd even came up to riki asking about the admirer, but he didn'f falter.

sunghoon realized that the person he was looking for this whole time was standing right in front of him, in the form of someone who he thought had considered him as a friend and a friend only.

with his racing thoughts, he didnt catch onto how riki was inching towards him slowly. he looked up at the taller boy and took in his features for the first time in a while.

riki was very handsome; he had smooth skin with barely any blemishes or imperfections, piercings occupying both of his ears, oreo-like hair (a mix of blonde and deep brown), and sharp eyes which complimented his well-known smirk. sunghoon blushed at the mental idea of rikis features and broke away from his gaze.

"so, what do you think, angel?" riki broke the silence and regained sunghoons attention in the process. sunghoon blushed impossibly harder and sofly laughed.

"I wasn't expecting this.. at all." he smiled, eyes glued to the ground below him. riki let out a low chuckle as well and used his hand to make sunghoon look up at him again. they both smiled at each other, and sunghoon took the chance to hug riki. riki gasped at the bold move and hugged him back.

"I never knew you could be so romantic and flirty. you're never like that when we hang out, but over the notes you're a whole different person." sunghoon spoke up, not moving away from rikis embrace.

"can't say the same about you, angel. you're just as cute when you're writing as you are in real life." sunghoon smiled cheekily at the compliment and snuggled into the crook of rikis neck.

"since the first day you came to this school, I've been tormented by your beauty. an abstract painting with hidden meanings that only the most talented artist could ever create is what i pictured you as — 'angel' isn't necessarily anything new, in fact, if you asked jake, he'd tell you just how I reacted when you walked in." riki pulled away to look sunghoon in the eyes as he spoke, smile growing wider by the second.

"jake knew? and he didn't even tell me?" sunghoon looked offended, but riki knew deep down that he was still ecstatic about the reveal. "hmph. how did you react, then?"

"I called you a living angel. I was blown away; I never could've imagined someone as ethereal as you walking into the bland classrooms of this school." riki responded, enlightened by the faint rosy tint sprinkled upon sunghoons face.

"you're not so bad yourself." sunghoon shyly complimented.

"you can do better than that, sunghoon." riki teased, ruffling the others soft hair. sunghoon smiled coyly and fought rikis hands away, patting his hair down to perfection.

"what does this make us?" sunghoon questioned, looking down at rikis hands.

"whatever you're comfortable with, of course." riki knew that him and sunghoon weren't very close in real life, and he would probably have to get to know him better before the latter would give the green light for dating.

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