✉︎ - nishimura.

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"you're really confident for a 6'0 feet tall jock."

"what? all jocks are confident, aren't they? and hey, when did you start considering me a 'jock'?" riki scowled, looking at jake with offended eyes.

"I dunno, ever since you passed that ball like you were in love with it." jake made kissy lips to ridicule rikis love for the sport. riki grabbed his face harshly, shutting him up in an instant.

"well, I'm more in love with a certain someone than I am with that little chessboard-on-a-ball." riki hit jake back with the kissy lips, obviously talking about sunghoon.

jake scoffed at his lovey-dovey state of mind and snapped his twelfth piece of 0.5 lead that week in half. so much for buying a 30 lead refill pack.

"now I know why you're always asking for pencils." riki rested his face in the palms of his hands and stared at jakes hands fiddling with the thin pieces of graphite.

"when's sunghoon coming in?" riki switched the topic. luckily, it got jake to stop breaking his lead sticks in half — however, riki was known for having horrible luck.

"I don't know if he's even coming today. he seemed really out of it yesterday after the, y'know," jake lowered his voice. "the note." as if speaking in their regular language would make the situation any more obvious, jake spoke in the little japanese that he knew.

as much as riki wanted to compliment jake on his japanese, he had other things to worry about.

sunghoon not coming to school? on the day he planned to confess?

it's like the night of the soccer game all over again.

riki sighed at the information, nodding in understanding. he prioritized sunghoons feelings over everything and if that meant he wouldn't be able to confess today, so be it.

"nevermind." jake sipped the last of his banana milk before gesturing towards the door, which was slowly creaking open.

riki sucked in a life supply of air, quickly running over to sunghoons desk and slapping a post it note on it. his swift and unexpected moves scared the poor class president who was just trying to organize his to-do list.

"good lor—oh.. hey sunghoon..!" jungwon immediately switched up when sunghoon entered the area. sunghoon asked jungwon what he was so shocked about and jungwon nervously chuckled before waving it off.

sunghoon chuckled along and sat down next to him sluggishly. he obviously lacked energy, you could hear the rasp in his laugh and see the rednsss under his eyes from endless hours of crying. jungwoon sympathetically smiled at the boy and gestured towards the small yellow post it note sitting before him.

"I was trying to ignore it..." sunghoon whined, frowning at the sight. needless to say, sunghoon is now scared of post it notes. all of them.

"come on, just read it!" jungwon tried energizing the sleepy looking boy, shaking his shoulders excitedly. sunghoon gave him a bored look in return and sighed, shaking his head.

"fine, then. if you don't want to read it... I will." jungwon smiled like the devil and picked up the note, scanning over its contents before actually comprehending what was written on it.

his face mutated in horror, but not the same horror as yesterday. horror as in 'where did this come from?!' type horror.

"what is it?" sunghoon looked at jungwon, sporting a perplexed face. jungwon, without thinking, literally stuck the post in note onto sunghoons forehead and laid his head on the desk in front of him. sunghoon squeaked at the sudden movement and took the post it off of his face.

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