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"what's that one songs that's like—"

"oh my goodness! please shut up... I'm trying to study." the pinkette let out a sigh of exasperation. he was sick of the constant chatter coming from the boy next to him.

"hey, you don't have to be so rude." jake rolled his eyes discretely, ignoring sunoo's purposely loud scoff.

"I have no idea why jungwon made us study together... you're doing anything but that!" the pink-haired boy exclaimed, pointing at jakes empty paper — well, empty except for his name which he somehow managed to spell wrong. "isn't your name shim jaeyun? not sim jane?"

"ah!! whoops..." jakes cheeks flushed pink as he quickly erased the incorrectly spelt name. "too much time playing sims 4, I guess..."

"that's weird."


before the two boys could start their hourly bickering session, the sound of a door opening and 4 boys walking in overtook the empty library.

"no, riki, I swear he said friday!" sunghoon's honey voice made both of the 'study' buddies look up from their argument, surprised to find their entire friend group barging into the library.

"my love, I'm 100% he said saturday." riki calmly responded to sunghoons acclamation, his hand intertwined with that of the aforementioned boys'.

"who is 'he'?" sunoo whispered, eyes furrowing at his own question.

"I can't even write my own name correctly, what would I know?" jake whined, staring at the stain of 'sim jane' on his paper from where it had been abruptly erased.

"sunoo! jake! oh, thank goodness you didn't flip the library upside down trying to deal with each other." jungwon held his hands to heart, almost as if the mere idea of sunoo and jake together was a threat to society.

"if you hadn't came in just now, I probably would have." sunoo quietly uttered, glaring at jake.

"okay, whatever, we're here because a little birdy is telling us that jake said the party is to be on friday, but we're absolutely convinced that he said saturday." jay spoke up, moving the center of attention from sunoo and jake to sunghoon and riki; they were arguing like a newly married couple who were madly in love with one another.

"you may kiss the bride." jungwon dryly joked, making the uncomfirmed couple look towards him slowly.


"anyways! jake, would you be a dear and tell us exactly when you plan to have this party of yours?" jungwon interjected, turning towards jake smoothly.

"oh, right." jake spoke. "friday."

everyone stared at him in awe. well, besides sunghoon, and sunoo, who couldn't care less anyway.

"see!! I told you riri!!" sunghoon jumped excitedly, grasping onto riki's shoulders to keep himself from flying through the roof.

"ew what kind of—"

"you're just so much smarter than us that you managed to figure it out!" riki praised, patting the other boys head so as to make him quiet down.

"uhm, I'm sorry, but may you guys please keep it down? I have a test in a few days and I'm trying, for once, not to flunk it..." a voice came from a table behind riki and sunghoon. all 6 boys swore they never saw the person sitting there — they didn't even see the table he was sitting at!

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