✉︎ - I've been waiting for this day

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"God, what did you guys do in there?" jake grimaced as he watched heeseung, jay, and jungwon stumble out of the space goofily. jungwon's face was beetroot red, and heeseung's was nothing short of the same.

riki side-eyed jay in the most offensive way possible as the 3 made their way back to the center of the living space. sunghoon clapped at the embarrassed look on his best friend's face and turned to smoosh his cheeks (the ones on his face) childishly.

"sunghoon, stop!" jungwon called between giggles, trying his best to escape sunghoon's loving squeezes. sunghoon only stopped his affectionate wrath when heeseung cleared his throat, seemingly drowning out the awkwardness between the 3 new love birds.

"okay! next names..." heeseung trailed, grabbing the bowl that was discarded to the side. heeseung was terrified at the possibility that jake had gotten his hands on the bowl yet again, and even worse, the idea that he had put in some other crazy ship name.

nonetheless, he plucked out two names from the half empty bowl and kept them in the palms of his somewhat sweaty hands. he pushed the bowl away from his body and reluctantly opened one of the two pieces of folded paper in his hold.

"okay, first sacrifice," he began, scaring daniel, who had to tap sunoo's shoulder and ask what that meant for him and his future. sunoo shrugged off his worries by saying that there were some people in the school that were a bit out of their minds, and that seemed to calm daniel down enough. "...sunghoon!" heeseung hesitantly announced, eyes slowly moving themselves to look at sunghoon.

nobody in the room could really read riki's expression, but it was nothing short of a mixture of anger and anxiety; he was probably waiting for his name to be called, or, he was waiting for an opportunity to beat up whoever elses name would be called in turn of his.

heeseung noticed his anxiousness and took little to no time unfolding the second piece of paper. his face scrunched up in disappointment when he saw who's name was on the small note, but still shouted out the name nonetheless;

"riki! how convenient." he smiled nonchalantly,  watching as the tension held up in riki's veins released itself. he was about to tell the two of them to go up to the podium and pick a place to stay in for the 7 minutes that they shared, but that plan was interrupted when jake suddenly ripped the paper out of his grasp.

"hey, this doesn't say ri—"

"hey jake, did you know that nicholas is having a party next week? we should definitely go together! how fun would that be, right?" heeseung quickly turned around and grabbed the paper from jake, switching the topic in the smoothest way possible. so smooth that even sunoo mentally complimented him for his quick-witted thinking.

"really? nicholas? I never took him to be a party type of guy. he just seems like a laid back, chill skater dude." jake sat back, letting himself fall into the couchs bottom cushions; they only managed to provide comfort to his nape, but he didn't focus on that.

"the last time he tried skating was 2 years ago, and when he did, he fell and shattered his collarbone. I'd say your assumption was pretty accurate." daniel informed out of the blue, serving as a shock-factor to everyone sitting in the room — including riki and sunghoon, who were still arguing on where they should spend their 7 minutes in 'heaven'.

"he... he what?" jake muttered, absolutely mortified from the information he had just drank up. daniel nodded solemnly, a sad expression on his face.

"it's sad. poor guy just wanted to have a go at the skater life and ended up with 2 weeks in the hospital and a partially damaged collarbone for the rest of his life." daniel frowned, sympathy laced in his tone. jake faked an equally sympathetic expression and held his hands up to his heart, earning a burning glare from jungwon who tried his hardest to provide empathy for the former skater boy.

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