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the timeline of notes

hey, sunghoon, right?
you're cute. let's be friends, yeah?
one thing... we're going to have to play a little game before you know who i really am.



. . .

hey, sunghoon.
i never got a reply from you. it made me a little sad, you know? i'm hoping we can get to know each other more. i mean, you're already stunning, and getting to know you better would make life just as beautiful as you.


hii, i'm sorry for not writing back :( i didn't know what to do!! i really want to be your friend and know who you are!!

p.s, thank you for all the compliments!!


. . .

hey, angel! I'm so glad that you decided to write back.
I'd absolutely love to be your friend as well... maybe even further if we can get there?

and don't even sweat about the compliments; I have many tricks up my sleeve, and you'll be way more flustered with the other things I have to say.

be prepared, lovely.


why are you so flirtatious??
I'm surprised you're going after me out of everyone else in the school... I mean, I'm new, I have only one friend, and I'm not even that good looking. plus, you know nothing about me! what if I'm a murderer who's been on parole for 6 years?

just joking... I'm not! :D

and yeah!! let's be friends!! it'll be so much fun. but, how will I know who you are? how can we just be friends... through messages?

it's fine! anything works.


. . .

hi again, gorgeous.
I'm not quite sure why I'm so flirty... maybe it's because of how absolutely stunning you are ;)

and come on, you? not that good looking? you have to be kidding. you're the prettiest person in the entire school, as far as I know, and you have the best personality based on what I've read and heard about. don't worry about me liking you despite not knowing anything about you, just focus on the fact that you're being appreciated by someone even though they don't know the first thing about you ..

and we could still be friends through writing. I mean, we're talking right now, aren't we?

it's going to go further than this soon, don't worry.


oh my gosh... STOP.
I'm blushing so hard... I'm literally kicking my feet right now... I think my seatmate is scared of me and how I'm reacting but he hasn't said much yet.

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