✉︎ - back and forth

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✉︎ ✉︎ ✉︎

sunghoon walked into class, looking cuter than ever. riki thought he looked oddly like a fairy today.

the first thing that sunghoon looked at when he walked in was his desk. he wanted to know if he had gotten another note like jungwon said he might've.

and, he was, in fact, correct.

there on his desk was a soft, pastel yellow colored post it with a handful of words written onto it.

his cheeks heated up and he immediately started to walk over to his desk after he bowed to the teacher.

if you're wondering what riki and jake are doing, well, let's see...

"holy shit she is FINE..." jake whispered, scrolling on his phone.

"that's james charles, jake." riki looked up to look at who jake was talking about and then looked back down at his phone. both were too busy being occupied with their devices to even notice sunghoons entrance.

"whatever. when's sunghoon coming in? i'm bored." jake shut off his phone and fixed the collar area of his shirt before he gasped sharply and his eyes widened. "speak of the angel! he's right there!" jake shook rikis arm helplessly.

rikis quickly diverted his attention from the video playing on his phone to the pretty boy shyly walking over to his desk.

he turned off his phone and pocketed it quickly, making sure it wasn't obvious that he was looking at sunghoon.

now, back to sunghoon, who was waving hi to jungwon.

"h-hi wonie..." sunghoon greeted jungwon, keeping his eyes on the note. he sat down with his attention focused on the small yellow paper. he quickly put down his bag so he could pick up the note and read its contents.

"hey, sunghoon. another note, is it?" jungwon leaned over. he was actually curious, this time. riki said he would stop sending him what the note said so his curiousity would be more "believeable".

"yeah.." sunghoon whispered softly, carefully reading each word.

hey, sunghoon.
i never got a reply from you. it made me a little sad, you know? i'm hoping we can get to know each other more. i mean, you're already stunning, and getting to know you better would make life just as beautiful as you.


sunghoon almost fainted in his seat.

"w-wonie!! they called me.. stunning!! and- and they want to know me more!!" sunghoon smiled gleefully. however, when he reread the note for the 50th time, his smile faltered. "but... i made them sad.." sunghoon pouted, looking at jungwon who was about to melt from how adorable his seatmate was.

"wonie what do i do?" sunghoon whispered, looking at the back of the note hoping there would be more to read.

"maybe write back to them?" jungwon suggested, taking the note from sunghoons hands and inspecting it carefully.

"b-but i dont know who wrote it, who's desk am i supposed to put it on?" sunghoon looked around the classroom.

"maybe you dont have to? just write another note and put it on your own desk." jungwon shrugged, eyeing riki secretively.

"maybe... okay... what should i say?" sunghoon took out his pencilcase and his hello kitty themed pen, borrowing a post it from jungwon.

"just say how you really feel. you do want to be their friend right?" jungwon inquired, sparking ideas in sunghoons head.

"yeah... yeah i do!" sunghoon brightened up, beginning to write.

while he had his head down, focused on writing, jungwon looked over at riki and jake. they were fanboying over sunghoons cute antics.

"sunghoon, i'll be back in a second, okay? i have to talk to my partners for a math project." he smiled at sunghoon who looked up for a moment, nodded, and then looked back down to continue writing.

jungwon took this opportunity to walk over to riki and jake who were in their own world. he cleared his throat to gain their attention, which certainly worked.

"how is he supposed to write back to you if he doesn't know who you are?" jungwon queried the younger in front of him.

"oh..." riki looked at jake, who only could shrug. "i didn't think of that."

"explains a lot. anyway, how long are you planning to drag this on for? sunghoon already seems head over heels in love with you and he doesn't even know what you look like." jungwon pulled over a chair from the desk in front of riki and jakes and sat down.

"he seems like a personality kinda guy to me.." jake spoke lowly, in fear that sunghoon would hear him and he would blow the operation.

"that doesn't answer my question, does it?" jungwon glared at jake who had shut his mouth quickly. guess thats what comes with being the class president!

"just for a couple more weeks. trust me, i'll get him to actually know me before i call any shots." riki looked over at the boy who was still thinking of what to write on the note back.

"God, he's so mesmerizing." riki glanced at sunghoon one more time before shooing jungwon away. "go, he'll get suspicious."

"i don't think he evens know what the word 'suspicious' means, but okay." jungwon joked around, and riki glared at him for making fun of his precious sunghoon.

jungwon made his way back to the table, curious as to what sunghoon had written in the 3 minutes that he was gone.

"you done writing?" he questioned, slinging an arm around sunghoons shoulder casually and reading his note.

"mm.. do you think it's good enough?" sunghoon handed it to him and bit his fingernails while waiting for an answer.

hii, i'm sorry for not writing back :( i didn't know what to do!! i really want to be your friend and know who you are!! 

p.s, thank you for all the compliments!!


jungwon smiled softly at sunghoons cuteness, looking at him and nodding.

"whoever it is will surely love it!" jungwon nodded.

sunghoon smiled and stuck the note to his desk, jumping when the bell rang unexpectedly. he quickly packed up and slung his backpack onto his back, waving goodbye to jungwon as he headed to his next class.

jungwon called over riki and jake, who ran over to sunghoons desk. riki picked up the note and smiled brightly.

"he's adorable." he said, eyes full of love and heart swelling. "i can't wait for him to know who i am."

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