Spooky Baskets

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*popping her head into the office while hailee works* Hey, I'm going to Target and Micheals is there anything you need from either place?

What are you going to get?

So I saw at target they're having a sale on shirts and I need some more since you have stolen several of mine and not returned them.

We share a closet you can take your shirts back at any time.

The shirts are in your constantly worn section.

You're practically holding them all hostage.

Okay I wouldn't go as far to say I'm holding a shirt histage

 Either way i need some more since some of them have stains or are getting holes in them.

So it's no big deal I was just giving you a hard time.

You should maybe buy two of each shirt so I wont be holding those new ones hostage...

I'll have to think about that one.

So are you going to target just for the shirts?

No, I need more hangers I've used the 12 that I was given.

Oh, I need socks too because somehow we are both running low on socks.

I can't tell if the dogs or the washer is to blame for that issue.

Okay I know I gave you more than 12 hangers.

You did, but with us getting a new shirt here and a new shirt there we are out of hangers and I know you don't want a pile of shirts in the closet.

Yeah, can you pick up a few packs of hangers then?

One step ahead of you already.

Oh and I'm going to Micheals for an arts and crafts project.

Oh what kind of project?

I want to make some ghosts dressed as marvel characters.

 So I'm going to get some more paints and a couple of pieces of foam board.

Sounds fun.

Is there going to be a-

A Kate Bishop cutout?

*turns red while moving arms awkwardly* Well I mean, you know...


I don't need a Kate cutout when I've got the real deal right here.*grabs Hailee's hand*

*pulls her in closer* When you get back I can show you the real deal.

*beginning to blush* So is there anything you need from either place?

*scrambles to get keys* I swear I won't take long.

No, but I'll text or call you if I can think of anything.

Sounds good I'll let you know when I make it to the stores and when I'm on the way back.

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