It's Happening

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*sits up in bed* oh my head.

*rubbing head* Exactly how many drinks did I have last night.

My love? *nudges y/n*

*jumps and falls off the bed* I'm up I'm up I swear.

*pops head up with Robin wig half on and half off* Now what did you ask?

Did you not take off your costume? 

No, we didn't get that far.

 We got home and had a drink or two since we weren't going anywhere else for the night and your feet still hurt so I carried you up here.

And I'm assuming we just fell asleep after that?

I think so...

Hold on.

NO, we were talking about something.

You and how you wanted to decorate for Christmas already.

No shockingly that wasn't it.

I agreed to wait until thanksgiving was over to decorate the house.

Okay so what where we talking about?

Something about a text you got from someone at republic.

something about a call this morning I think we fell asleep theorizing what it could possibly be.

*picks up phone* Oh shit the call is in an hour.

And I look and smell horrendous. *starts to strip* I have to get showered and dressed its a zoom meeting.

*scoots out of Hailee's path* I'll get out of your way and get cleaned up in the guest bath.

Ok, can you be quick though...

Uhm sure?

do you not want the label to hear the water running?

I know you can sometimes hear it in the office so i can tota-

No, I was hoping you could sit with me when I'm on the call.

*hops up off the floor* Yeah of course I'll sit with you. *kisses Hailee*

 Now I gotta go get freshened up.

Hailee and y/n spend the next 10/15 minutes showering and getting dressed. Hailee spent her time alone thinking of all of the worst-case scenarios. Why would the label possibly call her with no warning? Are they going to shelve her album again, maybe they wanted to drop her together since they had gotten so much shit from her fans? Meanwhile, y/n's time was spent thinking of how to calm Hailee down because she would probably receive some kind of disappointing news, news that might make her mad for the rest of the day. So y/n was thinking of things to do to remedy the rest of the day after this call. 

*walking into the bedroom*

Knock knock can I come in?

Yeah I'm just getting out of the shower.

Is there a dress code for the call?

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