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POV: Nicolas

I wonder how Eva slept through all this happening. I mean it's a good thing that we now have each other so we aren't alone in this, but I feel like I can't be with her now. She just broke up with her boyfriend and she still loves me as well. I have to wait, even though she might get over it today. Though, how long do I have to wait? I better move my bed back before someone comes in here.

I move my bed back to where it was when we first came in here and got dressed in the bathroom while Eva was still asleep. I wonder how the bed didn't make any noise while I was pushing it back. I get ready for the morning and spot Eva facing the ceiling. She looks at me and I say "Good morning, Eva. How did you sleep?" Eva responded "I slept alright, thanks and you?" I replied "I slept well, thanks."

POV: Eva

She greets me every morning. Even on text. I wish Brian did the same thing. I love them both but now I feel a bit unhappy that he broke up with me. I guess Nicolas and I were meant to be after all. She always made the first move before I chose Brian over her.

Maybe when I find the courage, I will ask her to be my girlfriend. She always had my back and tried to help me solve my problems every time I told her about them. I just can't get her out of my head. I remember when she confessed to me, I liked her back though I asked for us to be friends and started dating Brian right after. I was a fool. She stayed by my side even though I friend-zoned her.

Is it because she's my best friend, or is it because we might actually be together?

She' so beautiful. Her emerald green eyes. That mixture of brown and blonde natural long hair. That perfect tall body. That pale skin as if she were a vampire that could walk in Sunlight without getting harmed. She's so perfect. and I can't believe I chose him over her.

I better get dressed and stop day dreaming. We have a long day today and we don't know when we'll start. I head to the bathroom and change into the clothes the worker gave us. I come out the bathroom, wearing something very uncomfortable. At least the hospital gown isn't see-through. Nic is probably very uncomfortable wearing it.

A worker knocks on the door and we both say "Come in". The worker walks in and says "I see you both are dressed, please follow me to the cafeteria."

POV: Nicolas

Wow, just like that. I guess we're having breakfast. This is a lab. Don't expect anything fancy. We make it to the cafeteria and see the others eating oats in a bowel. So, I guess it isn't anything fancy at all.

I will eat anything that looks like food. Eva isn't really a food person so I'm not sure if she eats oats.

We eat our oats and then head back to our room to get ready for the experiments. I was busy brushing my teeth while Eva was brushing her hair. We had to put on hair nets for some reason or had to shave our hair. Eva and I decided to put hair nets on instead of having our heads shaved. I wonder what Jake chose. I put on my hair net and we follow the worker to the hall.

We sit down and see everyone wearing hospital gowns. Few decided to have their hair shaved and the rest decided to wear hair nets. Eva and I talk for a bit and then Clare starts talking on the microphone to everyone "You all are very brave people for coming here. Some decided to leave when they found out wearing the hospital gowns. You all will each start with different experiments because we don't have enough room for each similar experiment. Half of you will wait in your rooms and the other half will do the experiments. After the first half is done, then the second half will go. That is all there is to say. Thank you for joining us and good luck." I started talking to Eva as we walk out "Is everything alright?" Eva replies "Well, I'm a bit nervous again. I'm in the second half and you're in the first. We're only going to see each other during the swap hours and when we rest." I respond "I understand. This is scary, even for me."

A worker calls my name "Nicolas, are you ready?" I talk to Eva "Well, I better get going. See you later." Eva responds "Good luck." I reply "Thanks." I follow the worker and we enter a room with a CAT scan. I ask "So is this what I have to do?"

A scientist responds "Yes, though you need to take off your gown. Are you wearing anything underneath?" I reply "Yes. Only a bra and underwear." The scientist says "Good, then you know what to do now. After you take the gown off, you need to go inside the CAT scan." I take the gown off and climb inside. I close my eyes and relax. The first test for me isn't that bad.

I was finished and put my gown back on. I walk back to the room and say hi to Eva. She tried to keep a smile because she knew I was alright. I wanted to tell her what I had to do but I knew it could wait.She had to go next. I wish her good luck as she walks out.

*Hello again everyone. Notice that the chapters are getting longer? Is that a good thing? Comment down what you think.*

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