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POV: Clare

Where is Nicolas? It isn't that far so she shouldn't take that long. Did she run into trouble? Well, she better get that flower in time or we won't be able to save Eva. What is taking her so long?

POV: Nicolas

He's too fast. I can't even throw a proper punch. I still can't control my powers which I really need right now if I want to save Eva. I swear this cat is really just playing with me. So, I guess this cat likes playing with it's prey. Well, it's better than just ending my life here and now.

I get knocked to a wall and fall down. I could feel the cat crawling closer. Is this really how I die? No, it can't be! I am doing this for someone very dear to me. Someone I would sacrifice my soul to. I would do anything, even if it means giving it all I got.

I stand up trying to keep my balance and holding in the pain. The cat prowls and growls closer to me. As it pounces, I protect myself by using my arms as a shield. I scream in pain as it bites my arms. My powers activate and I tackle the black furball down. The cat hisses and runs away.

I use my powers to break the case and grabbed the flower carefully. I ran back to the building with all my might, still carrying the flower carefully. I burst into the room and collapse on the ground. Clare takes the flower and makes Eva drink the syrup. Leo and Jake help me get up while Max was helping Clare with stuff. Eva opens her eyes, making me relieved and lose conscious.

POV: Eva

I wake up with concerned faces turn into relief. Nicolas smiles and then falls down on the floor. We all panic and rush to her.

A moment later, we were all waiting for Nicolas to wake up. I heard what Nicolas had done for me but we don't know what had hurt her. She took the important part and risked her life saving me. She took an arrow for me. I just hope she recovers soon. I don't know how long it will take for her to wake up but she's definitely still alive.

Two days have past and she's still asleep. I'm worried she might not ever wake up. Leo arrived with a bag of coal and was full of blood. We all stared at him but then he said "I went through a bit of trouble. I'll wash up now." I backed away, not letting him walk near me. I don't like blood touching me.

POV: Jake

Leo calls me and we walk to the basement. He opens to door and lets me in. He switches on the light and we walk to the furnace. I open the bag and threw the coal in. I take my lighter and light up the furnace. "That should keep the building cozy. It's quite windy today."

POV: Leo

"Yeah, I think a storm is coming. We better find more resources." Jake could see something was bothering me and said "Sad about killing another creature again huh?" We both sit down and I reply "Well, I've been thinking about a lot of stuff. Is Nicolas going to wake up. Are we going to survive this apocalypse? Why am I so confused with these emotions?" Jake responded "I know how scary this must be. After affects of getting experimented on, mutant predators in every corner, and losing people who survived with you. If you're scared, just note that you're not the only one. We are all terrified." I look down and speak "I am scared but I'm feeling other parts of me as well." Jake responded "I know what you mean."

Jake leaves the basement, leaving me to sigh and think to myself. I'm developing something but I'm not ready to tell you. At least not yet. I head out of the basement and walk to my room. I grab my clean pair of clothes and walk in the bathroom. I lock the door, get undressed, and switch on the shower.

POV: Nicolas

I wake up with a headache. "Argh, how long have I been asleep?" Eva hugs me softly and replies "Two days luckily. Not too long." I smile and say "It's good to see you feeling better." I saw on her face that she hasn't forgot about the part where I risked my life to save hers. It looked like she wanted to slap me in the face, but for a good reason.

*Hello fellow apocalyptic readers. My apologies for you not hearing of me for a long time. I had exams for two weeks and this is the third week. Last week of exams! Woohoo! Anyway, I hope you all have a smashing adventure reading the next chapters.*

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