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POV: Nicolas

I wake up earlier than Eva and walk to the bathroom. I look in the mirror and panic. I look at my hands. My skin. It's green? I'm not sure what green though. Was this from yesterday's injection?

It looks like I have elf ears. I look in the mirror to see where else is green. I feel something uncomfortable behind under my hospital gown. I shouted "I have a tail?!?!" I quickly stopped talking. I look outside of the bathroom to see if Eva is awake.

"Phew" I said. She's still asleep. I better find a way to hide this. But how? I really don't want to scare her. Alright, don't panic, just breath in, and breath out slowly.

I look in the mirror again and I look normal again. Looks like I'm starting to control it. I walk out the bathroom and Eva wakes up.

POV: Eva

"I see you're awake early. How long have you been awake?" I asked. Nicolas replied "Not long. How did you sleep?" I replied "I slept alright thanks." I see Nicolas getting ready in the bathroom and I get dressed. We have to eat now so I guess we have to get ready. I gotta try keep my cool.

POV: Nicolas

I sit down next to Eva and start eating my breakfast. The food is decent. Thoughts flying around my head like a busy bee hive. What did I turn into this morning? I look like a monster. What should I tell Eva?

POV: Eva

Nicolas isn't really talking much today. Did something happen? I should ask. "Hey Nic-"

POV: Nicolas

Eva was about to talk to me but then we get interrupted. A guy with white hair and a younger guy with black hair come. The one guy asks "Hey there, can my brother and I sit with you guys?" Eva looks at me and shakes her head slowly.

I responded "Sure, you can sit over there." The white-haired guys said "Thanks. My name is Leo and this is my brother Max." I replied "Let me guess, your parents named you after your zodiac sign." Leo laughed awkwardly and said "Hehe yeah~" Eva wasn't looking so happy. I continue "My name is Nicolas and this is my best friend, Eva."

Eva folds her arms and faces away from Leo and Max. Jake arrives, catching his breath "Sorry I'm late. Who are these guys? What did I miss?" I replied "Oh nothing really, Leo and Max just wanted to join us." Jake squinted his eyes "They kinda look sus. I don't trust them." I looked at them and then realized they don't look alike at all.

Leo had short wavy white hair and light-tanned skin. Max had black woolly hair with chocolate brown skin. They both seem to have blue eyes. They don't use the same accent. Where did they come from?

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