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POV: Nicolas

"I'm glad you're okay too." I said. Eva rolls her eyes and pulls me up. I catch my balance and hug her. She hugs me back but then lets go. "You were an idiot making us leave you behind a couple weeks ago. And now you risked your life getting some flower to heal me. You slept for 2 days! 2 WHOLE DAYS!!!!!" she shouted. I responded with "I understand how you're feeling. And yes, I am an idiot to put my whole life at risk. But doing it for the people I love is a different story."

"I suppose you're right. But please don't do it again, and please just ask for our help!" she said. My eyes widened as tears came out of hers. I looked down and said "Alright, I won't make any promises for not risking my life and it will depend on what the situation is." Eva replied "You really are an idiot when it comes to looking after yourself." She wipes the tears off her face and punches my arm. "Ouch! That hurt! ... I suppose you're right." I said.

Eva crosses her arms and I add "What do you want me to do to make it up to you?" She grins and pulls me out of the room. I wondered what she wanted me to do. Was it friendly or extreme? What was it she was going to make me do? Well, I guess we'll have to wait and see.

Eva drags me to the kitchen, heading to the deep freeze. I spot Jake holding his camera facing me. Oh, I know what she's up to. She opens the deep freeze and pulls out a bag of ice. She opens the bag and walks over to me, the bag over my head. I need to get ready.

Splash! Cold half-melted ice cubes just fell on my head. I am soaked and ice somehow slipped in my shirt and pants, front and back. I should have seen this coming. Eva suddenly gave me a towel. I said "I guess you've planned to do that, huh? Well, you sure got me there. The ice slipped in. Feel better?"

Eva laughed hard and Jake ended the video. I smiled, not bothered of the cold wetness anymore. I take the towel and dry myself up. My bandages were wet and I had to change them. "I'll be right back. I just need to change clothes and change my bandages." I said. Eva and Jake nodded and I went back to my room. I changed into dry clothes and started taking off my bandages.

I notice that my wounds only left one single scar on each arm. I thought it would take longer to heal. How is this possible? And I thought I was wounded more than once on both arms. I called Eva and she ran into the room, closing the door behind her. "What's wrong!?!?"

"M-my, my w-wounds are...h-healed." I stuttered. She looks in shock and examines my arms. "How is this possible?" she asked. I replied with "I don't know. I thought my arms were sliced open." She responded "They were. Could it be the experimentation?" I replied "It could be. We can't let the others know."

Eva nods and wraps my arms with dry bandage. She gives me a kiss on the forehead and then says "Everyone wants to say hello so come with me." I nod and stand up, following her out of the door. Everyone hugs me except Max. He kept his distance from everyone for some reason. I got distracted by everyone else trying to get my attention.

"Can I talk to you in private?" said Leo. I replied "Sure, let's" go upstairs." We walk to my room and I close the door. "What do you need?" I asked. Leo takes a deep breath and speaks "Remember when we all were experimented on? Well, I think I turned into a monster." I asked "Why? What makes you say that?"

He closes his eyes, then transforms into a pale red half-hell hound. His hair colour still stayed the same. His face was expecting me to say some horrible words. I hugged him and said "We're in this together. I know you aren't a monster. Because I'm like you as well." I transformed and he hugged back, saying "Thank you."

*Sorry for not writing in a long time. I had exams and then went on holiday. Happy new year everyone!*

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