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POV: Nicolas

Outside by the river, I explained everything to Eva and Jake, and even letting Leo share his view. Eva hugged me, glad to see that I figured it out and that I'm still alive. Leo had tears in his eyes and Jake held his shoulder to show that everything will be okay. I let the two of them communicate and I sat, keeping watch of Max. Eva sat by me, hugging me. I hugged her back and kissed her forehead.

I checked Max for any weapons. I found a blade and emptied all of his pockets. A while later, he woke up seeing all of us with crossed arms. Max started laughing shyly "Oh, guys. I guess you know who I really am now. Well, set me free and I won't bother you again." Eva replied "Not gonna happen psychopath. You killed a family member of our group. We all treated each other like family and you do this to us!" Max grinned and said "It's what I do honey. You can't hate me because I can't control it."

Leo interrupted "You were the one who killed mother! She looked after us and was there for us when we needed her! She hit you because you didn't behave!" Max then said "Well, that doesn't matter since we're the only ones alive. And now you're gonna be the only one in our family who's alive. I'm gonna die." Max laughs even though his life was going to end. We all back away slowly while he screams in pain. "Please take this thing out of me before I explode!" begged Max. Right after he begged, his body popped like a balloon.

Eva screamed in panic and threw up. Jake and Leo's faces were in shock. I couldn't help him. I dropped down to my knees and punched the ground. "I couldn't save him. He asked for help and I couldn't do what he asked. He killed people but he didn't deserve this. This is all Dr. Kevin's fault." We all went in the house to clean ourselves. We needed to save water so Eva and I went in the shower first.

We respected each other's privacy and had our backs facing each other. I closed my eyes and Eva went out first, getting dressed. When she went out, I got dressed. Leo and Jake were waiting for us to leave so they can go. I think they did the same thing as us. We were in so much shock that the shower moments didn't even matter.

We all cleaned up while Eva got us food to eat. Eva still can't handle blood. We made sure we didn't get full of it and wore special clothing to clean our stuff. The mutants ate the rest. I made friends with the one mutant and we rode together. She seemed quite calm and actually didn't want to kill any creature.

She was like a horse that chose me to ride her. Though she didn't look like a horse at all. I let everyone ride her and she was fine with it. Everyone was scared at first. Eva climbed on first. We could all ride her and she let us.

After we were done cleaning up the house, I said "Eva, Jake, Leo? I have something to say. You guys can stay here but I'm going back to the lab. I'm going to teach Dr. Kevin a lesson." Eva then replied "We're not gonna let you have all the fun. We're coming with you." Jake and Leo smiled with Eva. I smiled, then said "When we should start packing now, and find weapons on the way. Do you all know how to control your abilities?" Eva frowned and said "I haven't transformed in a while, I'm afraid I might get out of control." I kissed her and then said "If you do get out of control, I'll get you back."

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