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POV: Eva

I know that Max was a stranger to me but knowing his death really broke Leo down. He's being crying every night and I have to be there to calm him down. Nicolas is becoming obsessed with Max's death. She thinks someone murdered him. Though she only told me about it. Clare seemed to be distant as well.

Clare doesn't call Nicolas for missions anymore, which did seem strange to me since she knew we all had powers and could protect ourselves. Only Max didn't have powers. And everything leads back to his death. I should probably check on everyone. I should first check on Leo is he's getting better. I walk up the stairs to his room.

I open the door and don't see anyone. Huh, that's weird. He usually doesn't disappear like that. He's probably by the river getting some fresh air or something. I should check on Nicolas next. I walk down to the study to find Nicolas on her desk busy scrunching up paper.

"What's wrong?" I asked. Nicolas gave me a deep sigh and then answers "I know Max has been murdered but I can't find any proof to back up my theory." I replied "Well, who do you think killed Max?" She answered unexpectedly "Clare..." I ask "Why is that?" She gives me another sigh and says "I don't have anything to prove that. And if I told you, you wouldn't believe me."

I leaned in for a kiss and said "I think you need to rest. You've been working on this the whole night." Nicolas then says "Okay, I give up for now. I'll rest." We both walk out of the study. Nicolas walks upstairs to her room and I check up on Jake. I saw that Jake was busy eating and generating electricity for the washing machine. I waited until he was finished.

"Oh hey, come to help?" said Jake. I replied "I was actually here to come and check if you're okay, since Max passes away." He replied "Oh, yeah. I heard Nicolas busy in the study last night. She seemed busy there. I think she's trying to figure out what mutant killed Max." I see she only told me about her theory. If I know her well, and she's not telling anyone else, then this is serious and she could be right.

I help Jake hang the washing and when we were finished, Jake said "I am drained. I'm gonna take a nap." I let him go inside and I follow. He heads into his room and I head in the room Nicolas and I are sharing. There were only 5 rooms but neither of us want to move in Max's room. I walk into the room silently and close the door. Nicolas was sleeping, comfortably on the bed.

I decided to lie next to her and read a book. If Nicolas is right, then we're all in danger right now and Leo could be gone as well.

POV: Leo

I wake up in a room I couldn't find familiar. I try to move but I'm tied up to a chair. I try yelling but my mouth is covered with tape. I need to try remember what happened. The pain in my head appears. I must have been hit on the head.

A memory flows through my mind. I was in Max's room, missing his appearance in my memories. Clare walks in the room and I quickly hide before she enters. She seems to be on a call. I heard everything. She left and I went out.

I couldn't believe my ears. I remember why I'm here now. Later that day, I was about to tell everyone but then I got hit in the head. I suddenly see feet walk in the room and I felt drowsy. I fell asleep...

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