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POV: Nicolas

"We're not the only ones who can shape-shift. Though I wouldn't really call it shape-shifting." I said. Leo replied "I'm just happy that I'm not the only one. Who else?" I responded with a smile "Eva can turn into a demon and Jake has electricity. Though only Eva knows about my transformation. Max doesn't know about any of us." He replies "Well, I know about Jake's, and he knows about mine." I respond with shock "Wait, really?" Leo nods.

Eva comes in the room and sees both of us transformed. She smiles and then hugs us both. I could tell that Leo felt happy about us accepting him for who he is. "I would like to ask for some advice." he said. We both transform back and sit down. Eva closes the door and Leo takes a deep breath.

He then starts talking "I don't know what's going on with me but I think I like Jake." Eva then asks "Is it the first time feeling this way with a guy?" Leo nods. Eva and I both look at each other and smile. Leo looks confused. Eva then says "Well, when are you planning to ask him out?"

Leo blushes and says "A-ask him out? B-but I'm not sure if he likes me b-back." I reply "I know Jake, if he likes you, he'll tell me eventually." Leo's face turns back to his normal skin colour. He then smiles and then confronts Jake. "Jake, I need to tell you something." Jake turns around asking "What is it?"

Leo then answers "I don't know if you feel the same, but would you like to hunt with me?" Jake then replies "Sure." In the corner, Eva and I both slap our faces.

POV: Max

I can't stand living with these people. I know I shouldn't live alone but it had to be them. I feel like an outcast. The only normal acting person is Clare. But she doesn't socialize often. I mean, she's 4 years older than Nicolas so why would she want to socialize with a bunch of teenagers.

I know that Leo is my older brother but he's just like them. All 4 of them let themselves get experimented on. I look at the pocket knife and spot a name on it. Kevin. A flashback flows through my mind.

"Let go of me! I never wanted this!" I said, being carried across the hallway. The workers open an office door that says Dr. Kevin and drag me in. I try to run out but the door slams behind me. A voice speaks to me saying "I see you're the killer type. Well, I'm giving you a choice. Either take the pocket knife and work for me, or become an experiment." I asked in suspicion "Why are you giving me a choice?"

The voice replied "Well, I'm the world's famous scientist of curing Covid-19. You can call me Dr. Kevin." I replied "Why should I listen to you?" He said "If you don't choose the safer option and work for me as a spy, you will get experimented on and I'll play with your DNA." I looked at him then took the pocket knife and said "Fine, I'll work for you. But you better not have any tricks up your sleeve." Dr. Kevin grins, shakes my hand and says "If there's any escape plan, follow them and pretend to be on their side."

My thoughts get interrupted by Clare. "Earth to Max." I reply "Yes, Clare?" Clare spoke "I was asking if you would like to go on a mission for me?" I had to think of an excuse not to go. "I'm afraid to go." I said. Clare sighs and finds someone else for the mission.

Nicolas volunteered to go and leaves with weapons and a back pack. She still had bandages on her arms. She was stupid to find that stupid flower just to heal stupid Eva. Why do I care anyways? I guess we're all human. Still, why do I care?

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