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POV: Nicolas

But how? The house is near the river and the animals won't attack us because this is a safe zone. I don't understand. How could he die like this? I started talking "While I had fun, he died with us. I feel guilty for not saving him." Clare tried to comfort me and said "We all feel that way. He died in vain battling for his life."

I was trying to wonder what killed him. Clare left and went to Max's room. I wondered why she went in there. I followed her silently. I hid before she turned around to see if anyone was following her. She closed the door and I eves dropped.

She was calling someone and spoke softly but I could still hear her with my powers. She said "Alright, I've got Clare dead, like you wanted. If you can't tell who's phoning you, it's me, Max. Now, I've phoned you to give you updates. Yes, yes, I know who the next target is. Alright, go tell the boss and make him happy. We all want to stay alive." She ended the call and I heard footsteps coming towards the door. I quickly ran down the stairs and sat down where I was. She walked out and went in the study room. I can't believe it was actually Max who killed Clare.

Body swapping? He never mentioned about having any powers. Who hired him to kill us? I need more answers before telling everyone. I listen to what Max was doing. This was so confusing, should I say he or she?

Doesn't matter. I need to focus on what he's doing. I listen to him opening and closing draws, looking for something. What is he looking for. I hear stomping coming my way and sit on the same spot again.

I ask Clare "What's wrong?" Clare responded "Nothing, just forgot where I put something I need." I then replied "Are you sure it isn't in your room?" Clare then replied "Good idea." She walks up the stairs and walks into her room. I use the opportunity to look in the study and look around the secret draws Clare told me about.

I found a letter for me then closed the draw, leaving the study. I sit back down, hiding the letter with me. Clare comes back and says "I don't know where I put it. It's like an envelope but I can't find it anywhere." I then ask "Why are you giving me updates?" She then said "Well, because we talk." I then replied "Okay?"

She left and I used to opportunity to go to the river. I closed the door and walked to the river. I sat down by the river and opened the envelope. I unfolded the letter and it read:

Dear Nicolas

I know I could trust you because you trusted me. There are a lot of reasons to not trust me. I have written this letter because I think Max is used as a spy. He was quite distant with us and just stared from afar. He must have been watching our movements.

I'm not sure if he knows your secret but I know his. He has the ability to swap with another person's body. I know this because I discovered it while you were all still in the lab. He has to touch them for a few minutes. I figure that's also a reason why he was distant. Though you need to be careful.

I suspect he is working for Dr. Kevin. I wouldn't be surprised if I was a target. If you're reading this, then I'm already dead. I knew you'd find it when I would be acting odd.

Turquoise anonymous

I close the letter. Clare knew all along. She kept this a secret until it actually happened. She died so it means that Max is working for Dr. Kevin. I'm the next target, aren't I?

I need to keep this secret and make him show his true form. But that plan still need planning. I'll have to observe his every move.

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