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POV: Nicolas

It's been the next day and we haven't heard from Leo yet. Jake is actually starting to get worried, even more than us. He actually wanted to search the whole area for him. I thought it was really sweet. We searched every house on our own. I didn't really trust Clare because it was actually Max wearing a disguise.

I had to search where Clare searched without anyone knowing. I also had to pretend I wasn't on to her. No one found any luck finding him. It took us days, searching for Leo. Clare told us that maybe Leo committed suicide so that he could be with his brother. I tried not to argue but that was a cruel thought to say out loud.

I almost punched Clare in the face but held myself in place. When everyone was at the river, calming down and getting water, I searched our house, looking in every room. I found a pocket knife. It was Max's pocket knife. It looked like it carried poison inside. I took a cloth and picked up the pocket knife.

I put in a bag and carried it with me. I went back to the river, carrying buckets. I worked hard fetching water and keeping an eye on Clare. When we were finished, I secretly followed Clare into the bushes. She went inside an underground bunker. She obviously didn't tell us about this.

I bet that's where she's hiding Leo. When she closed the trap door, I listened closely with my hearing. My ears transformed into bat ears and I listened. "I see you're awake. You won't get out, even if you tried." Leo shouted "What have you done brother! I know you're behind this!" Clare laughed, saying "I just want to stay alive. If I don't kill you all, I will die."

Leo shouted again "So you killed Clare!?!? What, you're gonna kill me next!?!?" Clare stopped laughing and said "Well, you discovered my secret. And I want to leave you for last. Besides, my next target is Nicolas, not you." Leo grunted and said "Argh, what monster has he turned you into!?!?" Clare froze for a moment then spoke "You didn't realize that I was a psychopath this whole time? I killed our pet dog because he bit me. I killed our mother because she hit me. I know I shouldn't have but guess what. I'm meant for killing." I could tell that Leo was shocked by his heavy breathing. He then spoke aggressively "You monster!"

Clare's voice changed to Max's and I heard him laughing like a mad man. "That won't change anything. Dr. Kevin saw me kill his workers and hired me to kill you all. He gave me this ability to swap bodies with other people when they're dead. I feel so alive right now!" I heard him laughing continuously. I burst into the bunker and punched Max so hard he knocked out. I untied Leo and tied Max in Leo's place. I carried Max and walked with Leo to the others.

Leo asked me "Did you find out like me?" I replied "I was actually trying to find proof to tell the others. Now I found it, and you're the witness." Leo smiled shortly, then frowned again. We arrived with the others and they saw clearly what had happened...

*Wasn't expecting that, huh? Well, this must be a really shocking event for you. No? Well, I'm just getting started.*

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