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POV: Eva

We arrive at another building half an hour later. Leo and Jake carefully walk in and check the building. Max and I wait in the bakkie. I start sobbing "I can't believe you guys just left her there. I'm never going to forgive you." Max moans "Argh, it was her fault for jumping out. Sheesh, I never knew girls could be so complicated." I slap Max right in the face with my bare hand.

POV: Leo

I look around the room where Jake and I are in. I then speak "I guess this is the last room. The building is clear." I forget to turn back and Jake spoke behind me. "I never knew you could turn into that. That's so cool." he said. I look behind me, shocked to know his reaction. I asked "You really thing so? I thought you would have called me a monster."

Jake then replied "No way man, That is way better that having the ability to create electricity out of your hands. I mean, I have to use another energy source to use my power." I respond "Well, I still have a disadvantage. I have to taste blood to activate my power. Depending on the animal, I can use their senses." Jake then spoke "Oh, so that's why your skin is a pale red." I spoke in shame "Yes, that means I need a blood source of a certain animal. I feel guilty of killing innocent animals." Jake responded "I can help give you a blood source. I saw a dead dog not far from here. Remember when we saw a creature bite on a dog and just left it there?"

I turn back, then smile and say "Thank you. I guess we better tell the others that the building is clear." I feel weird around him all of a sudden. My heart is beating fast. Do I like him? No way, I can't have feelings for him. He only talks about girls so there won't be a chance with him and I.

What am I thinking about? Me, gay? I've never been gay. I've always liked girls. Why am I thinking about this so much. This feeling is-

I can't explain it. It's like I'm not supposed to be thinking about this but then I also like thinking about it. Am I catching feelings for boys? That can't be right. Think of girls. Hot athletic girls.

Oh no. Guys are hotter. Why am I thinking like this? This is very confusing. I should probably get back to the bakkie to tell the others about the building. Not me thinking I'm gay.

POV: Clare

I'm at the building where I spot a lion creature fighting something. More like someone. I better go help. It looks like a teenage girl fighting it. Nicolas? I run to help her.

POV: Nicolas

Clare? What is she doing here? "Aren't you supposed to be at the lab or are you here to capture us?" She helps me fight the lion and says "I came here to help you. I know I helped Dr Kevin do bad things. But I couldn't stay in the lab any longer so I chose to aid you to get him imprisoned soon." I respond "I'm guessing you were also a victim?" She replies "Yes."

"Why do you trust me? I can easily kill you." She responds "Because I want to end this as much as you do." I look shocked and then reply "Alright, then why don't we start by finding my friends?" She then agreed "Sounds like a plan." I use my power to punch the lion creature in the face and we both run. I shout while running with Clare "That should give us time to run!"

After running for half an hour, I spot the bakkie leaving after dropping Max and Jake off at a building. We quickly run to the building and greet them. Both Max and Jake were cautious of Clare but then saw she wasn't holding any weapon. I ask "Where are Eva and Leo going?" Jake responds "They are going to the lion to get revenge" I then reply "But why? I told them not to. Alright. Clare. You stay here. I'm going to go fetch them."

I run back to where we left the lion and see Eva unconscious on the ground and Leo fighting the lion. He seems to have the same strength as it. That seems like a huge coincidence to me. I join Leo and he seemed shocked to see me. I shout at him "Why in hell would you fight this thing instead of staying in the building where you're safe!" Leo smiled awkwardly and said "You can punish me later. Right now, we need to save Eva." I respond "Alright, lets end this thing."

We finally lost the lion creature and then I carry Eva. We climb on the bakkie and drive back. Eva wakes up and sees me carrying her. She says softly "You're alive." I replied "Obviously. I can take care of myself." I look at her with a worried face "Are you alright?"

She nods and touches my cheek with her hand. I hold onto that hand and smile. She then speaks "I'm glad you came for me. I thought I lost you."

*Is Clare really a good guy or is she plotting something? Is Leo going to find out who he actually likes? Will there actually be a happy ending with Nicolas and Eva after all? Find out in the next chapter.*

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