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POV: Nicolas

We grab all our stuff, putting our bags on our backs. I carry Eva and Jake carry's her stuff. We walk away from the lab before we get caught. We rested at a petrol station and washed ourselves up in the bathrooms. There weren't a lot of people here at all so no one saw us covered with blood. We all sat on a bench and I bought chicken and mushroom pies.

Eva looked down. She asked "Nicolas, did I really kill people? I saw my hands were full of blood." I replied "It technically wasn't you since this thing controlling you did. Besides, you on your own wouldn't be able to do it because you can't handle someone else's blood. You kinda threw up on me when you saw the blood." Eva covers her face in embarrassment "I didn't mean to throw up on you. I'm really sorry." I laughed and said "Hey, don't worry, I have extra clothes." Eva hugged me and said "You saved everyone's life today. I'd say you're the real hero here." I replied "Well, if it weren't for you guys helping me, I wouldn't have done it on my own."

Eva whispers "I know you could have done it on your own. Don't worry, I won't tell anyone your secret." She gave me a peck on the cheek. I smiled and we all started talking about how we all imagine how our lives are going to be in the future. "Guys, we're still young, Eva an I are 15, Jake is 14. Leo? Max? How old are you guys?" I asked. Max replied "Leo is 17 and I'm 14." "Oh cool" responded Jake.

I interrupted "We better find a taxi so we can go to Plettenberg Bay. It might be a long drive and we might get squashed but we need to make sure that the others are safe. Alright, let's put our masks back on. The virus is still out there." We all nodded and a moment later we were driving in a taxi with a full crowd of people. I think there were about twenty five of us in here. We could hardly breath and even the windows were open. I sniffed a disgusting smell. Someone just farted right in my face.

A moment later, we switched taxis and it was much less crowded but still a lot of people. I though we had to social distance. Well, there's no time for being OCD at the moment. I check my bag to still see if I have my proof of what happened in the lab. It's still there. No one saw me look in my bag. Driving on a taxi is like committing suicide. I'm never driving on a taxi again.

While we were on the road, there was traffic. I checked on Wayz and it said that someone reported a car crash on the highway. A mutant looking creature was lying dead in front of the car that hit it. It seemed to be wearing ripped clothes. Could that be what my mom will look like? I'm really scared.

There were people screaming in the taxi. Someone yelled in Xhosa "Yintoni leyo?!" There were people that shouted in different languages. Leo and Max were confused because they had no idea what they were saying. Jake only spoke English and Afrikaans but he could tell they were frightened. I only understood a few words of what they were saying.

*Hey there  everyone. I know you haven't heard me in a while but I'm here now. So the taxi that is in South Africa is not what you think it looks like. If you don't know a lot of stuff about South Africa, then go Google what you are not sure of. I hope you all enjoy reading this.*

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