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POV: Nicolas

"I'm going to kill every last one of you!" shouted the demon. I was still pinning the demon down. Workers came to help and took her away to a room with a secured door that can only be accessed by card. Poor Eva. If this didn't happen to her, she would have still been here with us. What are they going to do with her?

POV: Eva

Where am I? Why am I in here? What happened? I seemed to have blacked out. I have so many questions. Argh, my head hurts.


A man walks in the room and walks close to me. The door closes behind him. "Well, well, well. Looks like we have our first super human. Say, do you remember anything that happened after you got angry?" the man spoke. I looked at him with concern and shook my head. He then wrote something in a note book. He then ordered "Take your gown off, I would like to examine your body." I refused.

Then he tied me up to the wall and started taking my gown off. I shouted "Stop it! Don't touch me!" I kicked him in his face. He then held my legs and tied them up together. I tried to stop him but he was undressing me. I was naked and helpless. I couldn't do anything.

POV: Nicolas

I saw a man enter the room where Eva was. I walk up to the guard that was there by the door. "Let me in!" I shouted. The guard apologized and said I couldn't go in. We had a small fight against each other. My hand turned turquoise and I punched him so hard he fell to the ground.

My hand turned back to normal. I took the guard's access card and went in. I saw the man with Eva. She was tied up and naked. This man was sick. As in sick in the head.

I felt rage and my whole body turned turquoise. He was frightened. I pinned him down and knocked him out. I then untied Eva and she got dressed. She then hugged me and said "Thank you. I don't know what I'd do without you." I then asked "You're not shocked after seeing me turn into a hideous turquoise monster?"

She then replied "You're not a monster. He is." I looked to see the man's face. No way. This...this was...Dr Kevin...

I took Eva's hand and we ran out. We ran to the others and told them to pack their bags. I took the microphone and warned everyone to collect all their things and leave the area immediately. They nodded and we all went in our rooms to pack all of our stuff. We got dressed in our clothes and started running out to the exit. I stayed behind to make sure everyone was out the lab.

Eva came back inside and asked "What are you doing?" I replied "Check for others. They might have been caught by the workers." Eva shouted "Wait, I want to help you." Jake, Leo, and Max joined in to help. "I need someone to lead the people to the buses and drive them. There are a hundred people here and there are twenty seats per bus. I need five people who can drive the buses." Seven people came and said they have bus licences. Some people helped the disabled to get on the buses.

"Alright then, five of you need to make sure that everyone is on the buses. We'll make sure that the workers don't get here. Once everyone is in. You drive off to Plettenberg Bay in the Eastern Cape. You all will be safe there." The one volunteer asks "What if you don't make it?" I then responded "Then leave without me. Do what you can for all of you to escape SA labs." A few people run out. I ask them "Are there any others inside?" One of them responded "We were the last ones out." "Alright then, go in that bus over there and all of you should leave. Use the GPS in the buses to help you travel to Plettenberg Bay. Go! Now!" I ordered.

"Alright guys, let's do this!" The buses drove off and we started fighting the workers. Jake finished his sandwich and started fighting. He killed one of the workers by electrocuting them with his hands. He was so confused. Eva became the red-horned and white skinned demon again and killed one worker at a time.

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