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POV: Eva

This is scary. I'm walking down the passage and entering a room. I get a fright when people walk out pushing a hospital bed out of the room. There was a man lying on and he seems to be hurt. I hope the same thing doesn't happen to me. I walk in and freeze once I walk in the room.

What is this? This doesn't look safe. An electric chair? What are they going to do to me? Maybe Brian was right. I shouldn't have come.

One of the workers asked to inject me with a substance. I frightenedly agreed and sat down on the chair. The substance was injected and I felt a bit weird. What was that substance? I feel woozy. They strapped me to the chair and a worker held a thumbs up to the other worker.

They activated the electric chair and I screamed in pain. They stopped and saw I had multiple red horns on my head. They stopped my body from receiving damage. I tried to calm down to not jump. As soon I was calm, the horns disappeared. What just happened?

I walk back, my arms wrapped around me. I was terrified. Nicolas saw my facial expression and held my arms. Nicolas being concerned, asked "What happened? What did they do to you? If they went overboard I'm gonna-" I stopped her right there by saying "It was terrifying. I shouldn't have come." She looked at me, hugged me and said "We'll get through this. You can tell me all about it when you're ready."

I was quite for 3 hours and finally spoke. I told her what happened and she tried to comfort me. She could tell I wasn't happy to be here. I was too scared to sleep alone. Even be in a room on my own after what happened. I refused to go out of the room.

POV: Nicolas

I really feel bad. I come with Eva every time she needs to go for an experiment. The first one was a bad start which definitely traumatized her. Why does it always happen to her? I have to go do my experiments by myself because every time the workers want to inject a substance in my body, Eva keeps fighting them. She probably won't like being alone in the room, with the door locked.

I'm the only one with the key. It's the only way to carry on with the experiments. I sit on a chair and a worker injects a substance in my neck. Nothing happens for 5 minutes so I walk back to the room. I unlock and walk in. Eva shouts at me for locking her in.

I explain to her why I did it and that nothing happened today when they injected me with the substance. She calmed down and her horns disappeared. She knows that she can't control it but we don't know what substance they gave her. She also keeps forgetting that I lock the door every time I go out the room. I just hope they find a cure for what they did to her.

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