Troublemaker: Regulus X Reader

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Your information-

House: N/A

Blood status: N/A

Happens: in a nonmagical world during highschool

Warnings: Cursing, fighting, Angst, Food, Talk of not eating properly

Posted on: October 22nd, 2022

"Y/n L/n this is the third time in four days that you've been up here, What's going on?" Principal Andrews asks me. 

"I just love hanging out with you Alex," I say using her first name. 

"Please refrain from using my first name Miss L/n," Principal Andrews says. I chuckle but nod my head at her anyways.

"Yes, ma'am now what's my punishment today?" I ask getting tired of this conversation. 

"Well seeing as you punched a football player in the nose I will have to give you in-school suspension," Mrs. Andrews says and I sigh.

"That's what this is about? I only punched him because he was belittling his girlfriend. Who is a freshman and he's a senior," I say, and Mrs. Andrews sighs. 

"You should've gotten a teacher Y/n not hit the boy," Mrs. Andrews says and I roll my eyes. 

"As if Mr. Renalds would side with the girl or me, he is the coach of the football team. He would just slap him on the wrist if that." I say and Mrs. Andrews shakes her head. 

"Okay, fine detention for the rest of the week and the next two weeks. Fair?" Mrs. Andrews asks and I nod.

"Much better," I say smiling. 

"You may leave, I will see you this evening for detention," Mrs. Andrews says and I salute in understanding. 

"See you this evening Alex," I say smiling and leaving the room. All I hear is her sigh heavily as I make my way to the last period.

After school as I make my way to detention, I call my parents to let them know I have detention again. I was leaving a voicemail for both of them since they didn't answer. I walk into the room and smile at the Principal.

"Hello Alex," I say and she looks at me in annoyance. "Oh, sorry Mrs. Andrews my bad it's a habit by now," I say and she shakes her head as I sit and take out my homework. I start to do it quietly and soon I'm done just as Mrs. Andrews looks up. 

"Okay Y/n you are free for today I'll see you tomorrow same time same place" I nod and head out.

I walk home taking the long route and dragging my feet trying to take as long as possible. Knowing when I do get home all I will hear is yelling and scolding. I decide to stop by the corner store and get a candy bar and an energy drink.

"Hey, Tony," I say waving at the cashier who seems always to be here.

"Detention again Y/n?" Tony asks and I nod, grabbing what I want and walking to him.

"Yup that's why I'm here," I say, and Tony Laughs.

"Don't want to go home?" Tony asks and I shake my head. 

"Don't feel like being yelled at again" I say paying and opening the candy. 

"Well good luck maybe they won't be home yet or something," Tony says and I nod crossing my fingers. I wave goodbye and head to my house, that's down the street from here. 

As I walk I think about all the times I've been in trouble like this. I realize ve been better this year and smile. 'Maybe I can use that as a bargaining tactic,' I think as I walk up my driveway. Seeing both cars I get chills down my spine. 'Both are home? Shit, I'm royally screwed' I say to myself as I  open the door. I hear them fighting and head to the stairs walking up them quietly. I'm almost to the top when I hear my mom. 

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