(A/n just found out Reginald hargreeves has been around since 1928 and was 35 in the 1963, bro looks the same as he does when hes 91 in 2019😭)
Y/ns pov
" you seemed to be the sensible ones of the bunch " said Reginald, I was still tense but ever so slightly more relaxed than i was before
" that's because we're the oldest " five replied " yknow technically we're older than you right now. "
" cognac?" The man offered
" just a smidge " I said not wanting to fuel fives addiction to much
" the other night you quoted homer at me" said Reginald "why?"
" you forced us all to learn it as kids. In the original Greek no less" five answered
Reginald passed us our drinks and we began drinking , five hummed in contentment .
" this world ends in five days if we dont get out of the timeline" he said
" worlds end" the monocle wearing bastard replied "paliozoid, Jurassic. And So on."
" we can do something about this one" five said with frustration clear in his voice
" mans biggest flaw" Reginald judged " the illusion of control"
" we need your help" I replied pleasingly
" you're our last sane option " five agreed " other wise we gotta make a deal I really dont wanna make . What do you know about time travel?"
" in theory?"
" in practice " I said
" I know its akin to descending into blindly into the depths of freezing water and re appearing--"
" -- as an acorn, yeah "
" what transpired when you traveled before ?" Asked Reginald
" I botched it " five said looking down and gently rubbing his thumb over my knuckles
" how?"
" I jumped to far foward " he said " got stuck on the future for forty five years, in an apocalypse . Then I jumped to far backwards , except this time I brought my entire family with me."
" maybe your appetite is disproportionate to the size of your abilitys" the man said " start small, seconds . Not decades. "
" seconds?!" Five exclaimed in disgust
" mhm"
" no offense but I need a bit more time for what in trying to accomplish!" He argued
" so much can change in a matter of seconds , one can overthrow an empire. One can fall in love. An acorn doesn't become an oak over night" Reginald replied calmly
" I was really hoping you'd have more than that"
" sorry I cant be of more help"
" I'm sorry too, i gave you such a bad time as a kid. But I didnt know any better. "
" no skin off my teeth, old man"I smiled gently and finnished my drink.
Not what we needed , but made me alot less tense about this Reginald.
I knocked on the handlers door, I grabbed fives hand almost sensing the anxiety coursing through his veins
" its gonna be ok" I re assured him
He nodded, letting out a quiet " I know"
I gave him a worrying look before the door opened.
" ah!" The handler said happily "just in time for a night cap"
We cautiously walked in , five looke around. Checking for weapons I would assume, I had a gun In a hidden pocket on my dress for just in case reasons , I had one on me more often then not nowadays.
I closed the door behind us , and she handed me a drink, which I accepted
" to be clear " five started " we take out the board, you get us, and our family home. No more doomsday, no more apocalypse . Is that correct?"
The handler laid down seductively on the bed. I scowled.
" that's the deal" she smirked
" we're in" I said confidently, placing the glass down as I spoke.
She handed five a peice of paper
' the lonley lodgex inn 0 shkosh Wisconsin , 1982' is what it read
I tried to hide the statistically excited smile that spread across my cheeks but failed horribly.
This was gonna be fun