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Y/ns pov

Me and five had been driving down the road for a while now and finnally we had made it to a caravan on the side of the road.

A woman in short shorts and tanktop glared at us as we parked up the bikes and walked towards her

" can I help you? " the woman asked

" need a word with pogo. " five replied while a charming smile

" ain't no pogo here pumpkin " she replied

We took a few steps closer


the woman stood up

" so I suggest you get your ass off my property" she shot us 'threatening ' glares " before I call a truant officer"

She crosses her arms , stood her ground and took a puff of her cigarette, I clenched my jaw and balled my fists

" it's ok tammy" came pogos voice from inside the caravan " let the kids in"

Five smirked at her as he passed , I hissed causing venom to hit her cheek then smirked following five.

Five signalled for me to sit down first so I wasn't directly infront of pogo, who was holding a gun under the table pointing to were five was going to be sitting

I sat down and scooted across , five sat down and intertwined out fingers beneath the table.

" you're either dumb or desperate. " said pogo " which is it? "

" you tell me" five placed the tattoo on the table

Pogo picked it up and examined it " looks like my work " he admitted " but I never did that tattoo. "

" you indeed haven't , not yet anyway " I said

" I cut it off my hundred year old self" five explained

" ah, so desperate it is " pogo took a dip of his drink

" you would be to if you knew the entire universe were at stake" five replied

Pogo inhaled sharply " so it's happened. " he said then decocking his pistol and putting it down, he began going through some files and pulled something out " ah, here it is. Look familiar?"

The two of us examined it closely

" Reggie was obsessed with these symbols " pogo explained " it's a sigil. A symbol thought to have magical powers"

" no" I shook my head " Reggie belived in fact, not fiction "

" I didn't respect much about the old man , but I respected that" five agreed " hoo-ha was not his thing. It's got to have a rational meaning."

" I don't kmow, but he referred to it as project oblivion "

My eyes went wide as I remembered , that was what the founder has said before he died.

" this project. " said five " we need to know more. "


" it was a kamikaze mission. He was preparing the sparrow children with the expectation they might never return. " pogo explained " that's why I gave the children those pills, to keep them safe from him. "

" well my druggie brother just got him sober. Go figure " replied five

" then project oblivion is starting again, and you are all in danger.  " we all finished of our drinks

" then I should probably get the ink " said five " complete the loop. "

" wait five" I spoke as he got up " are you sure about this? "

" oh, I don't think destiny cares if I am or not" he replied then going to sit down on the couch

" bitch is cruel ain't she " said Tammy as she moved out of the way for him and gave something to pogo

I blinked beside five and sat down then taking off his tie for him

" well then " said pogo " let's get started

five hargreeves × y/n Where stories live. Discover now