Chapter 2

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(Tw metion of ed)

You woke up with a pounding headache probably from not eating literally anything in the past 2 days you didn't tell your boyfriends because frankly you didn't want to but you also knew what they would do. Ever since you turned 22 your work (jyp because that's the business your under as a solo artist) has been putting you on a diet for god knows why.

You walk down stairs grumpy at the fact you haven't eaten when you turn the corner your greeted with the angry faces of... Stray kids

"Hello grumpy faces" you said making your way to the kitchen

"Why haven't you been eating" chan said anger taking over his voice

You froze how did they know?

"How did y-"

"Well we heard your conversation with jyp about how you would go on a diet. Your not over weight so i don't why you followed his stupid advice" chan said still very mad.

"I guess i took it because i thought maybe i was over weight and it made me think that you guys would leave me if i didn't" you looked down kinda embarrassed at what you just said.

Suddenly you were pulled into a hug. A Lee Felix hug, his hugs were quite comforting and soothing and you loved him for that. The fact that his hugs calmed you down instantly.

"Baby why would you think that we would do that hm?" He asked quite plainly

He let you go out of his embrace and you could see the eight pairs of eyes staring at you waiting for your answer.

You didn't notice a tear falling down your cheek but next thing you knew one after the other they started falling quicker but they didn't go unnoticed by the observant boys infront of you

"I-i know you would never but apart of me thinks you all would leave me if someone prettier came along" you sobbed falling to the floor and putting your face in your knees.

"One, There is never gonna be anyone prettier than you i thought you knew this. Two, you need to eat ok we don't like seeing you like this because we love you and you hurting yourself by not eating hurts us as well." Lee know said as he put his hand on your thigh for reassurance that it was ok.

"I don't want to make jyp upset by breaking his rules" you say still not looking at lee know or anyone of them

"Baby listen to me no excuses screw jyp ok eat" hyunjin said finally speaking up

"Please" he added

"Ok ill try pinky promise"

"Good" Han said "now can we go get food cause she needs to eat and im hungry"

"Ok Rhein go get changed were going to go eat , you out of all of us need to eat something eat as much as you can" Seungmin exclaimed.

Time skip

You put on your favourite pair of pink nike sneakers you got for your 22nd birthday by chan ofc and walked downstairs in a hoodie one of yours surprisingly.

"Ready?" I.N said holding his hand out which you gladly took and Lee know took your other hand with a sly smile on his face

This guy... You thought

20 minutes of walking you arrived at the convenience store still hand in hand with I.N but lee know swapped with Han cause he was whining like a baby to hold your hand.

"OMG Foooood" you scream in excitement and run in the store while the boys laugh at your cuteness.

You and the boys grabbed ramen and sat and ate at a table.

"Hey Rhein?"

"Mhm what is it jinnie"

"We've all been dating for a year and a half right" he said smiling a little

"Yes hyunjin were are you going with this?" At this point you and all the boys were confused.

"Well we've never been on like a trip together so i think we should take a week off and go camping mm"

"Yes we're so doing that please channie can we go can we can we" you said looking at chan with your biggest puppy eyes you may still be a little immature for your age.

"im down but only cause Rhein is to cute to say no to" he said smiling at you.

The rest of the boys agreed to go so you walked back to the dorm and chan drove you home his hand never leaving your thigh.

"Thank you channie baby" you said kissing his cheek

"Can i stay please" he pleaded this time it was him showing you his puppy eyes

"Ok ok fine" you couldn't help the smile and small giggle that escaped your lips.

You two walked inside and kicked off your shoes and walked into the kitchen grabbing a apple and sitting on the kitchen counter. Chan came in to the kitchen and stood infront of you and wrapped his muscly arms around you (sorry not sorry) nuzzling his head in the crook of your neck kissing it lightly.

"You okay channie?"

"Yeah im ok just want you" his voice tired and raspy sounding

"Cuddles or the other thing?" You giggled a little

"Cuddles." He said

"Ok come on"

You grabbed his hand and pulled him to the bedroom and he flopped onto it making a loud thud you plopped down next to him.

He cuddled close to you and placed his head on your chest while you ran your fingers through his hair. Him humming in response as approval.

"Go to sleep chan i love you" you continued to run through his hair with your fingers.

You heard a muffled 'i love you to' and 'good night' before chan closed his eyes falling asleep soon after so did you.

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