Chapter 12

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She tossed and turned in her pile of sheets, she suddenly jolted awake covered in sweat. Once she was awake enough she realized she was covered in what she thought was sweat but was actaully water.

Peering at the clock next to her it read '3:05am' she slowly turned to look at who was next to her. At first she didn't see anyone but once she turned on the lamp she saw it was Han.

"Han" no response

"Hannie" again. No response

"HAN JISUNG" she shouted panic laced in her voice. His eyes shot open and he sat up rubbing his eyes.

"What did i do?" He questioned worridly looking at her.

"You didn't do anything" he raised his eyebrows.

"Then what happened"

"My water broke" she said calmy getting out of bed and grabbing her hospital bag.

"Shit ok I'll call the guys on the way to the hosptail lets go" he panicked sprinting to wake the others.

"O-Ok" she whimpered. They walked to the car and drove to the hosptail. Han called chan and told him she was in labour and they said they'd meet them at the hospital.
"Where is she?" Chan rushed in basically tripping over his own foot.

"In the birthing room they won't let me in" Han said not taking his gaze off the doorway.

"Why not she's our wife?" Felix asked turning his gaze to the door as well.

"They said the birth is to complicated and the baby's brech, she can't have visitors because it will overwhelm her" Han spoke again. Chan knitted his brows together in confusion.

"Ok partners of rhein bang?" The nurse spoke looking at her little clip board. The boys looked up and insync they all said yes.

"Come with me" they followed her to the litte office and listened. " she had a complicated birth, the baby was breach and wasn't coming out so she had to go into emergency sugrey to get a c section.  She's resting now but We would've let you in but she didn't want anyone in there, but your all welcome to go see her, her room is  305 down the hall to the left." The nurse spoke giving them a light smile.

They made their way towards the room and most of them stood outside the door while chan and lee know went, leeknow went because he was the father and chan went because he was there for comfort.

"Hey baby how you feeling?" Lee know asked staring at his wife and the small baby in her arms. She smiled tiredly.

"Im ok" she said turning back to the baby. Lee know and chan stood there awkwardly waiting. "Wanna hold him?" She asked, Lee know nodded and stared at his son.

"What are we gonna name him?" Lee know and chan asked in unison.

"Ill tell you when the others are here" she giggled. They frowned but invited the others in any way. They stood there waiting for her to say something.

"I was thinking that we could name him..." she paused before talking again "seungwon Leeho bang we could work on the middle a bit i just wanted to inc-" the guys cut her off.

"Its perfect baby really its a mix of both Lee knows name" Felix said.

"That's what i was going for" she giggled. Seungwon started whining and in a panic Lee know handed him back to her. "He's probably hungry im gonna feed him look away" she joked. They watched as she breast feed the new edition of the family in awe at the two.

"I don't get how she does this" hyunjin spoke lightly as to not wake the now sleeping baby. "You know carry two kids for 9 months and then give birth to them all by herself"

"She's stubborn but in a good way, she likes to be independent even when she doesn't need to be" chan whispered back. They turned back to seungwon and rhein and smiled. They had fallin asleep in the hospital bed.

"Goodnight baby" chan whispered, kissing them both on the head, pulling the blanket to cover both her and the baby. "Let's go guys we'll come back" they all silently wandered out of the room and into the waiting room.
After a couple hours of waiting and sleeping a nurse came out.

"She asked for you" the nurse gestured to rheins room and they all stood up and made their to her room. Upon entering they saw that she was awake and eating food while seungwon layed in the crib next to the bed and with her free hand she rocked it to sooth seungwon.

"Hey" she croaked still tried. They smiled in return and all scattered around the room.

"Hey baby how you feeling?" Lee know asked, sitting closest to her. Her hand took his and she sighed.

"I feel alright just alittle dazed and tired" "Oh and sore for sure" she rambled. The room erupted in laughter and chuckles.

"Of course your sore that's natural you just had a baby love" Felix stated. She thanked him and he placed a kiss to her jaw and sat back down. She turned her body in the direction of the most quiet people in the room.

"Joengin, han, seungmin, and changbin are you guys ok you haven't said anything for a while?" Rhein stated worry in her voice and tears in her eyes. Why was she crying probably just the hormones acting up and partly because she thought they weren't happy.

"No no no don't cry its ok we're happy, just in disbelief that we're parents of two now" the youngest of the four swatted infront of her and wiped the tears.

Jisung came next to him and kissed her head. "I promise we are not upset baby we love him so much already and he's only been here for 12 hours". 

"I love Rhein more sorry suni and seungwon"  Lee know put his hand up in defense as they all turned to look at him "YAH i love them too I've just known rhein longer"

"Their your kids minho" rhein tiredly agrued. He giggled and left the room, coming back shortly after with snacks. "If I wasnt sore right now you'd be dead, anyways anyone else wanna hold their son" She asked, felix nodded, she handed seungwon to him gently.

"Hello baby boy I'm one of your daddy's" he spoke, rubbing his finger over seungwons cheek. Seungwon grabbed his finger and made a sound, which made everyone melt with happiness.

"I love him so much" joengin squealed. They all agreed. Everyone took turns holding him and saying how much they love him. Eventually rhein fell asleep and so did seungwon. They all dismissed themselves from the room and went home, grateful they had such a great family.

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