Chapter 8

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The guys and Rhein were planning the wedding and had set a date, invited guests and family members, picked the suits now all thats left was the location, food and last minute changes.

"Omg im so stressed" Rhein said  pacing around the room.

"Babe. Baby calm down its ok it'll be fine" chan said hugging her. The scent of chan's hoodie calmed her down as she melted into his touch. 

She had decided that she would just have one wedding for all of them
instead of having 9 separate weddings. Plus this saved a lot of money. They would all say vows and do the usual wedding stuff but all of you agreed that this was the easiest option.

You were still deciding what dress the wear you were stuck between three

You were still deciding what dress the wear you were stuck between three

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"Which one would you like ma'am?' The store clerk asked

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"Which one would you like ma'am?' The store clerk asked.

"Um ill go with the first one"

"Great choice ill ring you up" she made her way to the counter and rung up your dress.

"That will be 12,000 dollars please" she smiled.

Shit that's a lot

Rhein payed and made her way to her car carefully placing the dress in the back seat, she sat in the drivers seat and checked to make the dress was so ok once she knew it was she buckled her seat belt and drove off.

"Hey baby" she said answering chan's call.

"Hey babe did you find a dress?"

"Yeah i found the dress its so pretty"

"im sure you look amazing see you at home love you"

"Love you too" she said hanging up

She got home and kicked offher shoes and put the dress in the hallway closet where she knew the guys wouldn't look. Her and Chan lived together and the other guys lived in the dorm.


"Babyyyyyy" chan said running to her immediately and wrapping her in his arms. "How was your day?"

"It was good" she said rubbing his back. "How was yours" she asked standing on her tipped toes to kiss his nose when he looked down at her. He sighed

"It was fine i guess" he kissed her nose back smiling after she giggled.

"Want cuddles to make it better?" She didn't need an answer because as soon chan heard the word "cuddles" he was by her side on her couch.

He layed down on her lap and she ran her fingers through his hair. Him closing his eyes slowly drifting off to dream land.

"I cant believe in a week you'll be Mrs bang" he said still with his eyes closed reaching his hand out to touch her cheek.

"I know im so excited" she said leaning into his touch. He giggled at her excitement. Soon after falling asleep.
A week later

Today was the day. You were getting married to the love(s) of your life. Sitting the make up chair getting her finishing touches before it was time.

"Nervous?" Rhein's sister  asked

"Very" she let out a little awkward laugh.

"Well don't be your marrying eight amazing people" Her sister comforted,  Patting her shoulder.

"Ready?" Seoyoon the husband of her sister asked taking his place next to her ready to walk her down the isle.  as she didn't have a dad nor older brothers he offered to do it.

"Ready as ill ever be" she said linking her arm with her fathers.

3,2,1 the doors opened and all eyes turned to her she and her brother in law started walking down the isle towards chan and the others.

She looked up at chan once he let her go and saw that he had tears in his eyes. Reaching up Rhein wiped the tears away that were gathering in the corner of his eyes giggling at the way he tried to cover it up as 'hayfever'.
Time skip cause im lazyy

"I do" Rhein smiled as the words flew out of her mouth.

"Then you may now kiss the bride" The officiant said sweetly, and stepped away to let the couple have their spotlight.

They looked into each others eyes smiling like children in a candy store, Chan pulled her closer and cupped her face and kissed her with passion like he was on his last day to live.

It felt different...People cheered and clapped as she took turns kissing her husbands.
The after party was stunning. Fairy light covered the white ceiling which had a chandelier. A dance floor which her husbands would be all dancing around like headless chickens later on. A gift table with presents for a whole entire village. The bar was luxurious black with marble title, gold accents, and alcohol on alcohol obviously.

Rhein was chatting with her friends from highschool when chan came up to her.

"May i have this dance, wife" he said, slyly reaching his hand out which she gladly accepted.

"Yes you may husband" she mailed and they made their way to the dance floor and perfect By ed sheeran started playing. 

"I love you Rhein i hope you know that, i know we've had our ups and downs but i truly truly love you" chan whispered since everyone was watching them dance.

"I love you too chan, im so happy i married you" He chuckled and kissed her and people clapped and awed.
2 hours later
"Where's the guys" Rhein asked Chans mum.

"Oh hi sweety i think their by the bar, last time i checked they were all four shots deep" She Replied suppressing a laugh.

"Ahh thank you" Rhein said before turning in her heel to find her drunken husbands.

"Jesus what happened to you two?" Rhein asked looking at the mess of two of her husbands laying on the floor.

"Rhein heyyyyy" Felix blurred out the alcohol radiating off his breath getting up from the floor to hugg her.

"Alright we should go home everyone's gone and you all reek of alcohol" She stated helping Lee know up off the floor laughing at the way her husband fall into her arms.

This day would definitely be one to remember.

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