Chaper 16

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"Hey jinnie can you please do the dishes like I ask 10 minutes ago?" Rhein asked pointing the small pile of dishes in the sink. Hyunjin rolled his eyes but continued to ingnore her.

"I'll do them" Chan said, walking to them only to be stopped by her.

"No I asked hyunjin to do it" she spoke again this time more angry.

"Why do I have to do it? Huh" He spat, she was taken back by his tune but kept her cool.

"Because we have a system, on Mondays it Chan and changbin, Tuesdays it's you, Wednesdays it's felix and Han, Thursdays Seungmin and Innie and Friday it's me and lee know. Today's Tuesday so it's your turn" She explained. The only thing hyunjin did was stand up and get in her face.

"You should it all the time, period. Your always home, you have all day. So instead of being useless just do it yourself if it bothers you that much" Rhein scoffed.

"Look here Buddy, the reason I'm home all day is because im looking after seungwon. And im not useless, the person who is useless around here is you, why is it so hard for you to do the dishes" She spat back. He stared for a second while thinking of a comeback.

"Well I may be useless but at least im not a bad mother" that sentence alone was enough to make rhein fume with anger. Rhien slapped him, the slap radiated how much anger she had bubbled up.

"HOW. DARE. YOU, I HAVE TRIED SO HARD TO MAKE SURE I GIVE THEM THE BEST CHILDHOOD THEY COULD POSSIBLY HAVE, IM GIVING THEM THE LIFE I NEVER HAD. The fact that you just said that shows how bad of a person you are." Rhein finished her sentence and shot him a glare before walking away.

"What the hell hyunjin?" Chan said turning towards him. "Why would you do that"

"The fuck, she slapped me and im the one getting blamed" he agrued back. Chan sighed.

"I will talk to her, but right now I'm talking to you, what's up?" He asked. Just eyes followed hyunjin as he moved to sit on the couch.

"I-i just im really stressed with the comeback and the kids and I guess her asking to do stuff, was my breaking point" He mumbled. Chan movied to sit next to him, putting a hand on his thigh.

"Jinnie I know your stressed, we all are but think about how she feels, I know it's stressful but we're a family, we support eachother. And she always makes sure we're happy and healthy but we don't say things like that to eachother or her" Chan scolded.

"You have to apologize ok, I know your both angry but it's best to talk it out instead of bottling up your feelings" he continued. Hyunjin nodded and walked upstairs toward the room she was in.

"Rhein" he said entering the room, she abruptly stopped her maniced pacing and stared at him. "Look im really sorry ok I never meant what i said I love you and your a great mother and a great wife i love you very much and it's physically hurts me that i said that to you and again im deeply truly sorry." he apologized but never looked at her, the tears fell and her look softened.

"I forgive you jinnie I love you too" she ran to kiss him. They broke away and smiled at eachother.

"I'll go do the dishes then I'll pick up something for dinner ok" hyunjin offered. She nodded.

"Ok I have to go pick up suni from daycare before it gets to late" she added they hugged and went their separate ways.

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