Chapter 11

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Rhein woke up feeling like shit she had a pounding headache and on top of that she needed to throw up. She tried to sit up but forgot that the previous night she asked chan to stay with her.

She gently and slowly moved his arm off her waist, trying not to wake him. Once she was free she made a run for it down to the bathroom, Rhein went down the stairs and made a bee line for the bathroom she ignored the men staring at her and shut the door, as soon as her knees hit the floor she emptied her stomach.

This went on for about 2 minutes before she was finally empty. She sat on the floor of the bathroom trying to catch her breath, when there was knock at the door.

"Honey are you okay? Can you Open the door?" Hyunjin questioned lightly knocking on the white bathroom door. Rhein rose to her feet and slowly reached for the door handle.

"Hey you alright?" He asked once more, rubbing her back. She nodded wiping the side of her mouth.

"Mhm just felt little sick" she said leaning onto his shoulder.

"Really did you eat something funny?" Hyunjin wondered.

"probably" she replied.
The sickness went on for 3 weeks before they decided to take her to see a nurse. Rhein described her symptoms to the nurse and they decided to do a ultrasound just in case.

"Well Mrs bang it appears you are 3 and a half weeks pregnant, congratulations I'll leave you guys to talk and I'll come back with the ultrasound photos" the nurse said as she wiped the cold gel off her stomach and walked out the door.

They all sighed, Rhein didn't look at them, she thought the sighs were sad and angry sighs but they were happy sighs.

"Im sorry" Rhein apologized Tearing up. Chan walked towards her, and put his hand on her shoulder.

"Why are you sorry baby, dont be, were gonna have another little baby running around, that's all we've never wanted, i mean suni is gonna have a little brother or sister, we're not mad" he kissed her head after concluding what he was saying.

"Are you sure you're not mad" she asked wanting to double check.

"We promise, sweetly" hyunjin promised and the other guys nodded.

"Ok, but i thought the sighs were angry sighs, like you were disappointed"

"Trust us we're ready and we are over the moon to meet this little person" hyunjin said helping her stand up.

"Thank you hyunnie" she said as took his hand and stood up. "now lets go home"
4 months later (cuz im lazy)

Juggling being pregnant and having a 2 year old daughter was not easy, they tried to support her as best as they could but with their schedules it was hard.

Sure, they were there but barely. They would come home when she went to sleep and leave before she woke up. Its like she wasn't even married any more.

"Honey we're home" Seungmin called from downstairs.

"Thank god I've been trying to do laundry for a fucking hour but i cant bend over to pick shit up" she sighed plopping herself into the couch.

"Ill do it, you rest" seungmin chuckled,kissing her forehead.

"Hey can we all talk first...please?" She paused and they all looked at her like she was about to tell them she was dying.

"I'm not asking for a divorce and yes the baby's fine, we just need to talk" Rhein continued calming the guys nerves a bit. "i know your guys scheudles are busy but i need more support during this pregnacy, i-im getting to a point where i cant do anything and its even harder when none of you are here, i know im asking for alot but i cant take care of two kids on my own i need one of you here to help" rhein said as she took a deep breath as she looked at her husbands. Lee know sighed.

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