Chapter 13

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It had been two days since seungwon had come home from the hosptail and so far it was hell, I mean they've all been though it before but that was two years ago and they've all forgotten what to do.

While the boys went to work and worked on lyrics, Rhein struggled to handle a toddler and a three day old. Sure most of the time Suni was at daycare but once she got home, it was chaos.

She needed help, yes. Did she ask, no, why? Because most of the time her husbands were at work and she didn't want to seem weak. Rhein knew deep down they would help her but last time she brought it up, it started an argument. 

"Aggh I'm so exhausted" she said plopping down on the couch next to chan, laying her head onto joengins lap, closing her eyes as joengin gently massaged her head.

"What's wrong baby?" Chan asked kissing her forehead, sitting down next to changbin. She sighed thinking about where to begin.

"Suni and seungwon." She stated, "I love them but God taking care of them by myself is hard, I can do it but it's difficult, seungwon keeps crying, I feed him, changed him, and burped him but still don't know what he wants" they nodded, understanding how hard it was for her.

"Im sorry love, we have the rest of this  week and next week off so we'll help" Lee know told. She let out a relived sigh, slowly dozing off.

"Thank you, I love you guys" she sleeply whispered. They giggled at how cute she look sprawled out in the couch in Felix's hoodie.

"Love you too Rhein"

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